Come meet the horse of your dreams. Be prepared to fall in love!

Don’t just admire these horses through pictures, get up close to these magnificent treasures and immerse yourself in their history which is over 4,000 years old!


Escape the the mountains and meet our straight Egyptian Arabian horses, the oldest and rarest breed known to man.

During this free experience, you will learn:

  • Why Egyptian Arabians are rare, beautiful and sought after around the world;
  • How you can build a business around them that offers tax advantages and profit potential;
  • Why Egyptian Arabians are the most profitable segment of the Arabian breeding business;
  • How to run your business with low overhead and higher returns, even if you don’t own a farm;
  • Why more of today’s most successful Egyptian Arabian breeders got their start with our bloodlines than any other farm’s;
  • How you can succeed without prior experience with horses.

Contact us to RSVP and enjoy a fun, educational afternoon!
