The Body Garbage Disposal Unit and other videos  about cellular health  available at   invites you to learn about your body’s ability to heal itself on the cellular level. includes the FREE Cellular Clean Roku Channel.

Did you know the human body is designed to heal itself? Cut your finger and the body immediately stars to fix itself. This same ability is also applied throughout the whole body. Watch this video and learn how to help your body heal itself.  Our body has the capability to take the waste/toxic out of our body. Lets find out what organs are responsible for this and how to maximise its capability. Weight Loss Predictor

Cellular Clean Detox    Offers an online method Detox

If you don’t detox the cell, you will never get well.

Cellular Detox is a process works by improving cellular function so the body is able to detox and heal itself.

Think of your body as a bucket. Now imagine the toxins that surround us in daily life are the liquid that slowly fills that bucket. With each toxic exposure, drop-by-drop your bucket becomes more full. A drop here and there isn’t such a big deal, as our immune systems were designed to handle a degree of toxicity. However, chronic exposure to an onslaught of chemical, physical and emotional stressors fills up your bucket each day, and at some point the bucket begins to overflow. It may take a few decades before your bucket spills over, but once it does cellular inflammation is triggered, symptoms arise, and disease manifests.

The process is not a quick-fix band-aid but rather a guide for doctors and their patients to understand how to support all health challenges. The following steps are often addressed simultaneously, but it depends upon the case, as the goal is not to focus on a specific condition, but to fully support the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.

True Cellular Detox

Cellular Detox is only real and lasting when it occurs at the cellular level.

Detoxification is a fundamental component of cellular healing, one which most carry out improperly or neglect altogether.

Detoxification at the cellular level allows your body to heal and function properly.

If you smoke or drink alcohol stop. It may not be too late to heal your body properly.

Its becomes to late to fully repair your body at the cellular level when you reach the point where your body is dying because of a lifetime of abuse.

An example would be if you are dying and in a hospice program etc.

Don't wait until its to late to help your body heal itself.

Other Videos about lerning how to help your body detoxify itself at the cellular level are available on the

    TrueCellular Detox

Strategy 1:
Controlling Blood Glucose  (Cut out sugar and white flour.)

Strategy 2:
Diet Variation  (Learning how to eat foods to help your body heal itself.))

Strategy 3:
Burst Training (Rebounding is an excellent exercise as is walking.)

The information on this website is for information only. Consult a doctor or other health professional before starting your cellular detox program. Weight Loss Predictor

Information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research. Consult a health professional for advice before starting any cellular detoxification program.

Remember that a second opinion is advised when making decisions about you health. This website can be thought of as a third opinion about your health.

Its up to you to decide what to do. If you only rely on your doctors advice without educating yourself about how your body functions and getting a third opinion you are making a mistake as many people do.     (List of additional Roku Channels).

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