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The reinvention of building automation

The complexities of our industry reside with us, but the reinvention and representation of our future resides with the new teams we build.

Ken Sinclair,

As published

B uilding Automation is evolving to be a web service that presents and connects our traditional industry to the new evolving enterprise energy, economical, and environmental equation.

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  • Energy Efficiency: Use of lighting controls may typically yield up to 30% energy savings for lighting, and that translates into approximately 10% overall energy savings for a building. In addition, lighting controls may serve as a key element of a demand reduction program, further enabling energy savings.

  • Human Comfort and Productivity resulting in greater human comfort and increased productivity.

contemporary Low cost camera technology allows remote viewing of critical equipment. Many advances have been made in the development and deployment of video-based monitoring. To optimize the true value of video systems they need to integrate directly with existing systems such as HVAC, energy management, lighting and security to create a new level of real-time visibility.

Our buildings must be green, but present a financial blue bottom line of sustainable connected real estate. Our existing stock of large buildings in North America, which use more energy than they should, presents a huge opportunity for Building Automation Sustainability.

Tuesday June 9, 2009 I am presenting a track with 3 sessions called ?Reinventing Building Automation? as part of ConnectivityWeek 2009 Santa Clara Convention Center.

Building Automation is evolving to be a web service that presents and connects our traditional industry to the new evolving enterprise energy, economical, and environmental equation. We must achieve more with less human and natural resources while providing better services. Our present economical situation demands this.

Evolving the Reach of our Reinvention
BIM, evolving ASHRAE energy standards and their adoption, the green building movement, LEED etc are all rapidly forcing the reinvention of Building Automation. Solutions that provide wireless connections to devices of our past now get coupled with open source enterprise thinking and IT network standards. Lighting and its control are an integrated part of this reinvention. Day Lighting (substituting outside ambient light to replace internal electric light) requires a significant BA interaction with clients and ambient light sensors as well as motorized fenestration control. Open standards are making this possible.

Business Opportunities within BA Reinvention
Reinvention allows us to view everything from a new perspective. These new perspectives create incredible opportunities for innovation in our evolving new business model. This session will explore the new businesses of reinvention.

The Future of our Reinvention
Our buildings must be green, but present a financial blue bottom line of sustainable connected real estate. Trend is to use the BA as a remote commissioning tool. This allows online web services to be connected to continually optimize and commission. Low cost camera technology allows remote viewing of critical equipment. The power of enterprise languages such as XML coupled with a movement to Open Source software solutions is fueling our reinvention.


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