Animal Control

AC Mission Statement Berrien County Animal Control works hard to:

  • Enforce ordinances and laws governing leashes, vaccinations, and humane treatment.
  • Vaccinate animals to prevent the spread of diseases such as rabies and distemper.
  • Operate shelter and adoption programs to protect and find homes for unwanted animals.

    Wags N Whiskers Newsletter


Cruelty Investigation

Animal Control officers may remove animals from unsafe or unhealthy conditions, and enforce laws governing humane treatment of animals. They may begin legal action against negligent and abusive owners.


Animal Control officers investigate complaints of noisy, destructive, or threatening animals. If necessary, they humanely remove the animal and may write a citation, or begin legal action against negligent and abusive owners.


Animals that bite are located and captured to make certain that they are not carrying disease and to protect the community from future attacks.

Animal Shelter

The Animal Control shelter houses and cares for hundreds of animals ensuring their stay is as comfortable as possible. The shelter facilitates animal adoptions and foster programs, coordinates volunteer services, hosts vaccination clinics, and so much more.

Fee Schedule

View the shelter's fees here.

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