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Louis Kessler’s Behold Blog The Behold User Forum

jonathanb (jonathanb) Comments and Posts

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Results 1 - 3 of 3 total.    3 blog comments.    0 forum posts.

The Life and Death of a DNA Segment - Blog comment by jonathanb - 21 Aug 2019

I guess I'm hung up on "the 15 cM segment". From what I've seen, it's rare that three people share the EXACT same segment, with exact same start and end points. So when I see "the 15 cM segment", I read "a 15 cM region of DNA, where various matches might share various overlapping bits within that ...

The Life and Death of a DNA Segment - Blog comment by jonathanb - 20 Aug 2019

Nice writeup, I've been waiting for someone to talk about this. There's a corollary that you didn't talk about. Ancestry has a 6 cM minimum size for matching segments. Any segment under 6 cM might as well not exist, as far as Ancestry's matching algorithms are concerned. Other sites use slightly different ...

Genetic Clusters and DNAGedcom - Blog comment by jonathanb - 21 Jan 2019

Yes, Shared Clustering reads both the m_ and icw_ files. There's some discussion in the documentation. There used to be more, but I got a bunch of questions quickly from people confused about which file to use where. I simplified it all so that you specify one file and the program finds the other on its ...
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