DIY Marbled Easter Eggs – Grab the Shaving Cream and Let’s Marble!
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Marbled Easter Eggs - How to make these adorable easter eggs using shaving cream!Marbled Easter Eggs are beautiful to look at but honestly – they’re even funner to make. This is a great craft that is a fantastic alternative to traditional egg dying.  Not only are they faster to make but when the stores all sold out of egg dying kits, they’ll still have the supplies for these DIY Marbled Easter Eggs. Last year I shared with you how to make marbled easter eggs using butter , which to me made prettier eggs that are safe to eat but you could never get the butter feel 100% off the egg. This is a great alternative if you care about how the outside of the egg feels.  The great news about making these eggs is that they’re for any age. If you’re an adult and want them for a pretty home decoration you can make them but kids will love watching how these eggs go into a mess of shaving cream and come out totally different.  It’s a great lesson for kids on how different materials move and change.To start this project, fill the cups on a muffin tin or small bowls with shaving cream. Drop 5-7 drops of food coloring all over the top of the shaving cream. The color will look very vibrant but a lot of it won’t transfer. In this case, more is more – go with it.Lightly swirl the food coloring into the shaving cream one or two times max. You still want to be able to see a lot of white.  When you’re ready drop your cooled boiled egg into the shaving cream and food dye mix. Stir it around briefly until all the edges are coated and then immediately pull it out.  Once your egg is out of the shaving cream mix, wipe it clean with a paper towel.  You do not have to rinse it off under water, just wipe it clean and it’s done. Yes, it’s THAT easy. 
  1. Put into mix.
  2. Remove.
  3. Wipe off shaving cream.
  4. Display!
Are they food safe?  While I am not a doctor or a lawyer, common sense would say not to eat these eggs. Simply display these eggs or use them in an egg hunt but save the egg salad for some other eggs. 

Tips for making marbled Easter eggs with shaving cream:

  • Believe it or not, leaving it in the shaving cream / color mix for longer will actually remove some of the color. 
  • Putting a previously colored egg into another color will remove some of the original color. While it won’t have the marbled look anymore, the ones I tried turned out pretty cool. 
  • For some reason, the blue color I was using in a neon food dye set wouldn’t dye the egg very dark. I used the neon colors but you might want to try the regular basic colors as well.
  • Your hands might get messy.
  • If you get food dye on any surfaces, you can easily clean it with this dish soap trick .
AND…. once you’re done with the eggs, try using the leftover shaving cream mixture to marble paper. Spread the leftover mix on a plate and press white paper into it. Wipe off the shaving cream from the paper and then you’ll have DIY marbled paper! There you go! A fun Easter project for all ages!  Are you going to make marbled Easter eggs?    
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