The Emerald Tablets of Thoth Tablet 13

The below is an excerpt from the revised 2019 edition of  The Emerald Tablets by Thoth the Atlantean

Tai Chi Secrets

Bioelectric Electricity
During meditation and other states of being, focused breathing builds up an electrical charge around the body. This was verified in the Copper Walls experiment discussed in the introduction of this book. Ancient Taoist Masters utilized the energy of the Big Dipper ( Chapter 24 ) for protection and health, and as shown in Chapter 18, the Cygnus constellation is a region of sky associated with high energy cosmic particles, which is on the horizon two times per year, spring and fall, which are  seasonal peaks of QI energy ( Chapter 16 ). Human biophotons exhibit a peak in the late afternoon and summer ( Chapter 3 ).

So in summary, the critical mass experienced during the Emerald Tablets Exercise is a form of bioelectrical energy, that when circulated by intent, leads to health and longevity. Only a small amount is necessary to experience rejuvenation; therefore a huge reservoir of atmospheric / cosmic energy exists that could possibly be tapped into utilizing an electrical circuit.  This could have been what  Dr. Thomas Townsend Brown  was researching and what Dr. Joseph Weber discovered in his research.

Further research may reveal that when Earth's Schumann resonance and Solar Weather is at favorable levels ( conductive to good health ) that some frequencies of the Schumann resonance may link up with these cosmic energies ( Big Dipper, Cygnus etc .) thus enhancing the effects of QI practice.  For example the planet Mars has its own Schumann resonance ( Emission of nonâ€Â�thermal microwave radiation by a Martian dust storm Christopher Ruf. et al. July 2009 ).

What is even more interesting a study exposed cancer cells to the Schumann resonance frequency of 7.83 Hz and discovered that it inhibited the growth of the cancer cells ( Effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on B16F10 cancer cells. Tang JY. et al. Mar 2019 ).

Considering lightening strikes create the Schumann resonance ( Cardioprotection from stress conditions by weak magnetic fields in the Schumann Resonance band. G. Elhalel, et al. Feb 2019 ) charging the air with thousands of volts, perhaps during certain constellations ions in the air components in the air become energized and exhibit enhanced conductivity which is transmuted by our lungs during specific breathing exercises.

For example a study found that positive and negatiev air ions exhibit a seasonal variation with a high of positive ions occurig during summer and low of positive ions during winter, and that they were greatly affected by humidity / water moisutre. Negative ions shoed the highest peak of all peaking during fall ( Evaluating and Mapping of Spatial Air Ion Quality Patterns in a Residential Garden Using a Geostatistic Method Chen-Fa Wu et al. Jun 2011 ). For example human intention has been shown to affect water PH ( Electronic Device-Mediated pH Changes in Water. Walter E. Dibble, Jr. And William A. Tiller. 1999 ), ( Can an aspect of consciousness be imprinted into an electronic device? Tiller WA et al. Apr 2000 ). Tiller of Stanford demonstated human conscious intent is able to be imprinted into materials which are than shipped to a distant locations where they bring about the intentional effect that has been imprinted upon them ( Conscious Acts Of Creation: The Emergence Of A New Physics. William A. Tiller. Jan 2003 ). Gives a whole new meaning to prepared foods!

During full moons the moon is in earth’s magnetotail for about 1 week ( Time-of-day–dependent global distribution of lunar surficial water/hydroxyl. Christian Wöhler. et al. Sept 2017 ), which creates huge voltages ( Full Moons Get Electrified by Earth’s Magnetic “Tail”. Jen Baer/NLSI staff. news.nationalgeographic.com ).

Alchemists who sought to make the Philosopher's Stone would gather the freshly deposited dew upon the grass during the morning of spring.  This dew was used to make the Philosopher's stone which transmuted lead into gold. Perhaps our lungs create a mild form of transmutation via electrical charges in the air through specific forms of breathing exercises which in turn create beneficial changes in the body's physiology. As experiences the inner self via meditation or QI Gong practice, one encounters these finer energies and they precipitate into one's awareness.

Perhaps these " energetic charges " that build up during meditation or QI gong are released more often after above average solar activity. I go into detail in my book  Solar Flares and Their Effects Upon Human Behaviour and Health  about how getting a massage seems to release more stress and tension the period just after above solar activity has abated. It is interesting to note here that during above average solar activity, people are less likely to die of cardiovascular issues around new moons and full moons. However cardiovascular deaths increase around the moon's first and last quarters when solar activity is at low to medium levels ( The effect of solar activity on lunar changes in cardiovascular mortality]. Sitar J. Mar 1989 ).  This could be why getting a massage when solar activity is more quiet is beneficial as it affords the body a deeper levels of relaxation.

A study examining pH and electrical conductivity of snow collected from September 2002 to September 2004 in Tianshan China found high pH and electrical conductivity values during spring and early summer, with a low during late summer ( Seasonal variations of pH and electrical conductivity in a snow-firn pack on Glacier No. 1, eastern Tianshan, China. Xiangying Li et al. Apr 2007 ).

Further Reading

Cardioprotection from stress conditions by weak magnetic fields in the Schumann Resonance band G. Elhalel et la. Feb 2019.

It is also interesting to note that the Virgo Constellation,  which contains high energy cosmic rays ,  ( represented by the star Spica is directly overhead  ( zenith ) on April 20 th  at midnight in Hawaii or North America. As covered earlier in this book, during midnight in spring the ancient Taoist exercise Daoji Tuna Jing is practiced and like Cygnus, the Virgo constellation also emits large numbers of cosmic energies ( Diffusion of High Energy Cosmic Rays from the Virgo Cluster, M. Giler. ISBN. 978-90-277-1272-1 ).  What is even more interesting is as I show in my latest anti-aging book  Reverse Aging Naturally. Alchemy and Ayurveda Longevity Anti-aging Secrets  that taking specific anti-aging formulas, that when taking them when the moon is in Virgo at night, it creates a more powerful anti-aging effect than taking the formulas during other times. 

On October 24th ( the season of fall ) in Hawaii, the Virgo constellation rises in the east at 5:20 a.m. and sets on the western horizon at 5:19 p.m. This is in the two hour window of rising 8:45 LST,  which is the second peak of precognition strength .  A research study examined over 1 million people regarding their date of birth in relation to their lifespan. The study discovered that the majority of people born from October to December lived longer on average compared to people born in spring (April–June) ( Lifespan depends on month of birth. Gabriele Doblhammer and James W. Vaupel. Et al. Feb 2001 ). Could the cosmic energies emanating from the Virgo Constellation be affecting genes and enhancing lifespan? One research study examines how ionizing radiation afffected the early evolution of life on earth ( Cosmic radiation and evolution of life on earth: roles of environment, adaptation and selection. Todd P. Oct 1994 ).

In astrology, the constellation Virgo is represented by the month of September, and as shown throughout this book, a study found that people born in September outlived people born during other times of the year. The study was published in the Journal of Aging Research ( Season of Birth and Exceptional Longevity: Comparative Study of American Centenarians, Their Siblings, and Spouses Leonid A. Gavrilov and Natalia S. Gavrilova. Feb 2011 ).   In the image shown in the  LST seasonal precognition calendar , 8:45LST is the second most popular time where the accuracy of pre-cognition is enhanced, which is during early spring in North America.

Further Reading

Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subjects. Rollin McCraty. et al. Jul 2017.

Central Nervous System Responses to Simulated Galactic Cosmic Rays. Egle Cekanaviciute et al. Nov 2018.

Vertical profile of atmospheric conductivity that matches Schumann resonance observations Alexander P. Nickolaenko. et al. Feb 2016.

Human intelligence: the brain, an electromagnetic system synchronised by the Schumann Resonance signal. Cherry NJ. June 2003.

Cosmic rays activity and monthly number of deaths: a correlative study. Stoupel E et al. 2002.

Seasonal variation of the global electrical circuit.  Edwin J. Adlerman Earle R. Williams. Dec 1996.

Electrical conductivity of air in the troposphere Rita C. Callahan. et al. Dec 1951.

The Electrical Conductivity as an Index of Air Pollution in the Atmosphere By Nagaraja Kamsali et al. Aug 2011.

Atmospheric electrical conductivity variations over different environments. V. Sasi Kumar et al. Jul 1995.

Why Do You Call It The Emerald Tablets Exercise?

I have named this method the " Emerald Tablets Exercise " because during the right conditions, the restorative wave of energy turns to a beautiful emerald green during the most powerful periods of restoration. Also in the Taoist practice of Energy of the Stars the chart titled: Resonant Planet Colors and the 5 Thrusting Channels, it shows that Jupiter is the prime planet during spring, which is connected with the color green.

As this book was going to the publisher, new information came to light from  a symposium held in Virginia in 2009 . These are the latest cutting edge technologies being researched to date.

Orgone energy and Biophotons 
Experiments on mice have shown that mice with cancer that were treated with an orgone energy accumulator ( W. Reich ) lived much longer than the control group. Recent studies carried out by Mr. Bill Bengston gave mice the same strain of cancer and utilized local healing effects ( intention at a distance ).  The study found that the mice lived significantly longer than the control group. The study further revealed that the mice treated via intention exhibited marked inflammatory changes at the tumor site. Hence it is theorized that the healing mechanism involving intention at a distance exerts its healing effects in some way similar to the use of an accumulator that gatherers orgone energy.

What is Orgone Energy?

Orgone Energy is a purported universal life force that was described in the 1930’s by Austrian psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich. Mr. Reich believed orgone energy was a massless, omnipresent substance that was closely associated with living energy and that it was also present in inert matter. Orgone’s properties created organization on all scales via orgone particles known as “ bions .” These exist in microscopic and macroscopic levels in living organisms, clouds and even galaxies. Mr. Reich designed and built several “ orgone energy accumulators ” that collected and stored orgone energy from the environment. He claimed these devices were for the improvement of general health ( An Overview of Biofield Devices David Muehsam. et al. Nvo 2015 ).

Gamma Rays caught on Camera

A computer controlled sensitive low light CCD camera system that was cooled to -77 degrees centigrade detected super-low intensity biophoton emissions from humans as well as plants.  It also detected auras surrounding living systems ( Creath and Schwartz, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 531–550, 2005 ). The CCD chip used in the camera was also able to detect sporadic bursts of high energy and high frequency gamma / cosmic rays.  These gamma bursts were typically treated as noise. Hence, they were originally removed prior to detailed analysis of the data. Hence, patterns of cosmic ray activity that were analyzed using fast Fourier transform (FFT) images that came from analysis software from the National Institutes of Health, may be reflecting the presence of high frequency energies that are purportedly generated during spiritual energy healing sessions.  Pilot studies suggested FFT‘s of patterns of cosmic ray activity exhibited changes during spiritual healings; hence a controlled experiment was conducted. Therefore a connection may exist between spiritual healings and cosmic ray activity.

Remote Viewing and Radiesthesia

Radiesthesia is the premise that all things, including living entities, thoughts, information, and objects emit vibrational frequencies.  Individuals trained in remote viewing are able to access unconscious functions of their

brains, allowing them to tune into specific frequencies in order to access information from distant locations or to send information at a distance ( remote healing ).  Recent research is revealing that the heart plays a role in receiving or accessing radiesthesitic information and that after the information has been received, it sends the impulses to the brain for interpretation / feedback. Recent quantum physics research in the field of the Twin Photons Experiment shows the reality of non-locality while quantum entanglement offers an explanation of the connection existing between space and time and the concept of a holographic universe supporting the structural background.

The Schuman resonance and Distant Healing

A study examined distant healing sessions whereupon the healer was found to exert high amplitudes at the frequency of approximately 8 hertz. The harmonics, the sharing of frequency and the remarkable similarity of the healer‘s dominant burst frequency to the Schumann resonance, which is also close to 8 hertz, allows one to ask the following key question: Could this ever-present standing wave be one of the prime mechanisms for distant healing?

Society for Scientific Exploration. 28th Annual Meeting. May 27 – 30, 2009. University of Virginia. Charlottesville, Virginia (www.scientificexploration.org)

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