Inner Peace

by Suzie(Swartz Creek, MI)

My Sanctuary

My Sanctuary

That's why I ride it brings me inner peace, no matter what my day brings within fifteen minutes on my bike it washes the worst day away. I have ridden dirt for over 25 years and now concrete. I love it, put my music in my ears and I am gone down the road for a few hundred miles, the most I have ridden in one day was over 650 miles. I ride in any weather over 40, even if there is snow on the ground as long as the sun is out and the roads are dry, I am gone. Last year in nine months of riding I put 14,500 on my bike. It's not the destination, it's the journey. Therapy is expensive, wind is cheap...Ride safe, keep your knees in the breeze!

Comments for Inner Peace

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Feb 20, 2011
Have to agree...
by: Anonymous

My saying....if you don't get wet on your bike, you aren't riding enough....:) It's all great!

Mar 01, 2010
Best Therapy
by: Katrina

I started riding last year, I take my bike to work (schedule and weather permitting) because the ride there relaxes me, a rough morning I'm out for a quick ride at lunch and it makes the evening better with a ride home ...

There are always detours (to and from work) so I get in a scenic journey... even an extra 15 minutes makes a world of difference... I can't believe I didn't start riding sooner.

Mar 01, 2010
by: Linda in Oz


Feb 28, 2010
The Ride
by: Vicki

Anyone who rode Sturgis last year knows the unpredictable weather we endured. As we crossed the Wyo/Co state line heading home, we had just missed the latest thunderstorm. To the east, the storm endured. Huge black swirling clouds, flashes of lightning. In Front, southbound, a beautiful rainbow and glossy wet asphalt. To the west, a most beautiful, colorful Red/Orange/Yellow sunset. Behind us due north, another run with unforgettable memories. The roar of our bikes, the smell and the sights......Ladies, we can be hard as nails, but you know what I'm talking about, It brought tears to my eyes! The rest of the way home, we were hit hard by storms. Periodically ducking in underpasses to wring out a bit. Fellow bikers doing the same. After hours of hard rain, it finally let up. And only minutes from home, we actually dried from the warm summer air. Rain, wind, snow, whatever comes with riding, it's what makes it THE RIDE. And it's really nice to have a group of women to share that with.

Glad you're here,

Rocco (Vicki)

Feb 28, 2010
by: Stacey

I'm with ya.

Feb 28, 2010
Oh Yeah
by: Theresa

I can have a crap day at work, a fight with someone - whatever. I take off on the bike and all the problems blow away in the wind. There's no room for it and nothing is important enough to take my mind away from the joy of the ride.

Feb 28, 2010
Amen Ssister!!!
by: pj

Amen, amen, amen, amen...

All together now...amen, amen, amen!

Feb 28, 2010
by: Lynette

Well said, nothing takes a bad day away like a nice ride on your bike.

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