My Bike...Gave Me Life

by Wendy Campbell(New Brunswick, Canada)

My Sister & I

My Sister & I

I raised two beautiful children on my own.
I worked hard everyday to provide for them financially for 20 years.

My extra time was spent with my children trying to be a good mom, although my heart ached for friendships or even a possible relationship. I felt it to be selfish of me to lead a social life outside my children as I worked so much and our time together was limited.

Eventually my daughter moved out, my son moved out....then I did meet someone shortly after and we fell in love. He told me less then two years into the relationship, he didn't love me no more. Heartbroken, wounded, and with a broken spirit, I found myself alone for the first time in my life.
I felt so empty and dead inside.

I cried a lot....I was lost in life.

I bought my first bike on the advise of my sister who rides her own. I had for the first time realized I bought something for me....something that's all mine, and I deserved it!

My bike gave me confidence, empowerment, contentment, strength, pride, and fulfillment.
It stands for so much in my what I was lacking, like fun and friends and feeling of being accepted and belonging. I soon found myself smiling again, laughing out loud and making plans daily - rather than not wanting to wake up every morning.

My bike healed me, my bike gave me life. I love my Bike!


Comments for My Bike...Gave Me Life

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Mar 20, 2010
My Husband Died by Suicide in 07
by: Anonymous

Yes I agree..My bike gave me Life! I started riding a few months back. I went to MC school and parking lots etc. I have my license now and I have ridden canyons and some traffic..Yes I am just starting but this bike a sporty 883, year 02 will give me what I want...It is who I am, my statement! A strong woman wanting to enjoy the rest of my life..Every time I ride, my confidence goes up and along with it my self esteem...I miss my husband but I now want to live a life of adventure and freedom...

This has been the best therapy for me!

Sep 27, 2009
It Gave Me
by: Mary

"My bike gave me confidence, empowerment, contentment, strength, pride, and fulfillment. "

I so needed to read this today. I have been wanting to have my "own" bike for several years. When I was married and raising a child we had an agreement that I would wait until I was 40 and our daughter grown and able to fly the nest. For years on every birthday I would get some type of little "biker" related tongue in cheek gift with a note that said you are one year closer.

Thanksgiving Day, 2006 my husband and only child were killed instantly by a red light runner. Life stopped and time has stood still.

It is time to build confidence. Gain empowerment, contentment, strength, pride and a sense of being alive.

Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring me.

Jun 20, 2009
by: Lorine

There needs to be at least one little pearl in our life that we get to covet. Thanks for sharing your story.

Apr 04, 2009
Life in the Bike Lane
by: Brycie

Hey girl, it sure is a wonderful thing what having a bike can do for one. The saying, "Live to Ride, Ride to Live" is just so true.

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