Riding 2Up

by Heather(Tampa, FL, USA)

The first time I ever rode 2 Up was with my Dad as a little girl. He wanted to go thru the woods and I didn't like that, so we decided not to go that way. I had fun doing that as we did it often. I use to ride 2 Up with one of my guy friends all the time on his Honda Shadow. I was a little scared the first time riding with him because I didn't know how good of a rider/driver he was on the bike. But after that first ride...it was totally awesome. I loved being on the back of the bike and riding with him. I learned to trust him completely...I learned how to lean into turns and stuff with him too. When he wanted to get through traffic he would tell me to hold on tight, otherwise, I usually just had my hands sitting on either his legs or my legs...that's how well I learned to trust him.

I've never been on a sportbike before, but I've got a friend that has one. The only problem is that he doesn't trust himself enough to ride 2 UP on the bike. He's done it on a cruiser, but never on a sportbike. I trust him enough to know that he could do it, but a word of advice to all would be, if the driver doesn't trust him/her self enough to have you on their bike. DON'T ASK!!! That's why I don't ask my friend to take me out on his bike. I would love to, but I've got enough respect for him that I don't want to do that.

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