Brand New Ponytail Wrap Called Wrapter

by MamaYama(Southern California)

The Wrapter

The Wrapter

I got to test out a new wrap that holds your ponytail and keeps it from tangling in the wind while riding (similar to the leather ones) only way better!

They have a website, but I didn't post it so to abide by the rules of this site. It's worth looking at though.

It is a "one size fits all" ponytail wrap. It goes on kind of the same way a condom does. lol You push your ponytail end or braid end into the Wrapter and roll it up and over your hair band. I know it sounds funny, but it's actually really easy to use and it held well throughout my entire ride. I even use it when I go running so my hair won't stick to my sweaty neck. My hair is just past my shoulders and fine, not very thick at all so I was surprised to see it actually held on. I don't think they are available in stores yet, but wouldn't doubt that they will be very soon. I can't wait because the one I was given to test out is pink, and I would really like to get a black one.

Comments for Brand New Ponytail Wrap Called Wrapter

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Oct 02, 2014
Love the Wrapter!
by: Anonymous

This Wrapter is the best! I've tried a leather wrap and it was so hard to put on I had to have my husband do it for me. But the Wrapter works great! It was a little akward trying to put on the first time, but once I had figured it out, it was really easy.
I have 3 now. The only thing I would suggest is to tie your hair up tightly with a thick hair rubber band. Or use 2 regular hair rubber bands, you want it thick because that is what holds the wrapter in place.
I just love it and people ask me about it everytime I ride.

May 22, 2011
Where do I get one?
by: QuazyQ

Where do I get one?

Apr 12, 2011
Love the Wrapter....
by: Lady Zog Rider

I have long, thick, naturally curly hair...which is not good for riding on a motorcycle. It tangles enough as it is. Bought the Wrapter and WOW what a difference. I even wear it when I'm not riding the bike. One tip I will give---even with my thick hair, somehow, it slid off this past weekend. So I am ordering several more, and I will probably wrap another ponytail holder on the outside of the Wrapter at the top and keep it tucked under the roll that way I won't lose it again! But these are FABULOUS and NECESSARY accessories for women with long hair!

Mar 29, 2011
Wrapter Hair Wrap
by: Anonymous

I bought one after reading this and I wore it on a ride weekend. I LOVE it! Thank you Her Motorcycle!

Jul 21, 2010
Watch out for Red-Tail Hawks!
by: Anonymous

Heard from a friend that she had to fight a Red-Tail Hawk the other day when riding with a wrap on her pony tail. I guess the hawk confused it with a snake and dove at it...

Jun 28, 2010
Ponytail Wrapter
by: MamaYama

The picture above is from another forum where I was first introduced to wrapter, not me. I use 2 rubber bands when I first make my ponytail. That way the wrapter has more to hold onto as oppose to just one rubber band. I let a little bit of hair stick out the bottom, but not too much. I noticed the ends still get a little tangled if I leave a lot out at the bottom. But its way better than anything else I've ever tried. If you leave a couple of inches rolled out (on the wrapter) before you roll it up your hair, you can completely cover the ends just fine.

I have a black one now too. I swear I love this little thing.

Jun 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

I too bought a wrapter. Is this you in the pic above? If so, your hair is way passed your shoulders!! I have thick yet fine does that work?! I found that my hair doesn't fill out the bottom of the wrapter well. Do you wear a helmet? I do and when I put on my helmet it pushes my hair tie down. The wrapter pretty much stays in place. But as I take it off and on, it slides down too. I first rode with it underneath my jacket but I wanted to see if it would stay on if it was out. I was afraid I was going to lose it, but it seems to stay on well. Last I noticed that in the pics I've seen, the end of the hair is exposed. I try to get as much of my hair covered, but I noticed that the part exposed still gets tangled. Any suggestions? Another than that, I love it!

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