Snow place like the Winter Olympics

Students reflect on the recent Winter Olympics

Photo by Used with the permission of Colin Lloyd

Snowboarding is a sport enjoyed by many. It is also one of the many events in the Winter Olympics.

The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics Games slid into the finish line this past month. To celebrate its end, a few students shared their favorite events and athletes.

The Winter Olympics, which started February 4, concluded on the 20th. For many, the Olympic Games were a popular event to watch this past month, with an average of 12.3 million viewers per day, according to 

Mahi Chandrakumar, freshman, was one of those 12.3 million viewers.

“I enjoy watching the Olympics because I’ve been to the Junior Olympics and my favorite thing is meeting these amazing people from different parts of the world and seeing all of our cultures blend as we create this bond over the competition,” Chandrakumar said. “That’s the same with watching the Olympics. [I love to see] the athletes bond with other athletes from around the world.”

Emilis Vaitkus, senior, shared a different reason as to why he watches. 

“I find it fascinating that athletes who have trained their whole careers to achieve peak athleticism get together and partake in this international competition,” he said.

For Isabella Deutsch, junior, one athlete, in particular, had her tuning in to the Olympics. 

“I liked Chloe Kim , [snowboarder], a lot [because] I thought it was super cool that she had a younger perspective. I also liked watching her on the halfpipe, because she knew she was going to win after her second run,”  Deutsch said. “And I liked that [even after], she was attempting to try and make history. Obviously, she didn’t, but I felt like she was outgoing and took risks.” 

But it’s more than athletes that attract people’s attention; it’s also the events that are “different [and] not as traditional,” Chandrakumar said.  

The unique sport Chandrakumar enjoyed watching was curling

“I just always thought it was so cool to throw a rock across the ice and sweep it into a hole into a target. It’s just inspirational,” Chandrakumar said. 

Though Chandrakumar shared his favorite event of curling, Vaitkus said a different icy sport grabbed his attention. 

“[My favorite event is] ice hockey, because I think it’s the most intense and most competitive. That’s what makes it so interesting to watch,” Vaitkus said. 

Because watching events on the screen is interesting, some students expressed further interest in the sports they would like to try in real life. Out of all the events, Deutsch described which one she wanted to take part in.

“I’d probably pick snowboarding. I just think it’s so cool. The height [the athletes] get on that halfpipe is insane,” Deutsch said. “And I just feel like it would be probably a little scary, but [still] a thrilling experience to be up in the air like that.”