Senior athletes hit the dance floor to prepare for Homecoming assembly

Continuing the tradition, senior athletes will dance in the Homecoming assembly this Friday, September 19.  senior athlete dance for web

Boy and girl athletes pair up to perform a five minute dance that the senior varsity cheerleaders create and practice with them.

“The rehearsal for the dance is Tuesday from 8 to 9:30 pm,” Monica Carrillo, senior cheerleader,said. “We take little clips from all the classic songs that everyone knows and mash it up into a song for the athletes. I am excited to help teach the athletes because it is easy to learn and fun to do.”

Before the dance, the pair of athletes make shirts themselves with the last name and sport of  their dance partner.

“The senior cheerleaders get shirts themselves, but the athletes making shirts for themselves is a tradition,” Carrillo said. “I am not sure when it started, but it seems like the athletes enjoy it and they want to have that memory of doing the senior athlete dance at their last Homecoming assembly.”