Back to the books: Book Club returns

Continuing its second year as a club, the Book Club has made some changes to its organization and activities.

Book Club members meet after school to talk about the club's plan for the rest of the year. Sophomore and Book Club founder Matt Szarkowicz says interest in the club has greatly increased this year.
Book Club members meet after school to talk about the club’s plan for the rest of the year. Sophomore and Book Club founder Matt Szarkowicz says interest in the club has greatly increased this year.

“Unlike last year, the club the more student-run ,” Matt Szarkowicz, sophomore and founder of Book Club , said. “There are no official leaders, but there is a solid group of students that meet to decide the activities and the books we read, myself being one of them. We also are more involved in creating the ‘master list’ of books, narrowing it down to the top five, then voting for the next book to read. Last year Ms. [Emily] Coklan  and Ms. [Shannon] Eichwald, [Book Club sponsors], did most of the work and came up with the activities and bulletins for announcements.”

Along with the new system, the club has increased in popularity.

“Last year, we had under ten teens in the club. This year, we have about twenty members in the club,” Szarkowicz said. “Most of them are underclassmen, but that just means it is being populated and reaching more people. I expected the club to be smaller, but it’s great that we have this increase in interest.”

Seeing the increase in interest, Szarkowicz is glad that he decided to start the Book Club.

“I like books and enjoy reading, so I just thought ‘why not?’” Szarkowicz said. “I am also the kid who can finish a book in a couple days, so this club seemed like a great idea.”

The club mostly reads teen fiction and the next book the group is reading is Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.