A waterful season

The girls swim teams season recently came to a close. The girls still managed to have a good season, having Olivia Dorhorst, junior, and Clara Krogman, sophomore, place at Sectionals.

Photo by and used with permission of Jill Kragseth

The girls swim team’s season recently came to a close. The girls still managed to have a good season, having Olivia Dorhorst, junior, and Clara Krogman, sophomore, place at Sectionals.

The girl’s swim season recently came to an end, and like many other sports , they adjusted to the new guidelines and changes despite how different things were.

“The weirdest part for me was how empty the whole natatorium felt, as there were no spectators and we only really saw other swimmers during warmup and before races,” Clara Krogman, sophomore, said. “It was [also] different because we were unable to cheer each other on and support everyone like last year. ” 

Even though the environment during the season was different, Krogman thinks the team still handled it well, along with different timing for their season and the meets.

The Conference and Sectional meets were held about 3 weeks earlier than usual. Once the Conference had a plan to hold the meets safely we were able to arrange our line-up and the girls could select the events they wanted to swim,” Jill Kragseth, girls swim coach, said. “There were also a couple of injuries leading up to these 2 meets (Conference & Sectionals), so fewer girls than usual participated in the meets this year.” 

Despite these changes, Kragseth agrees the team took it all in stride, not letting that affect their season and their results. 

I was especially impressed with how well sophomore Clara Krogman swam,” Kragseth said. “She surprised herself by placing 6 th , dropping 2 seconds from the previous week at Conference.”

But Krogman was not the only swimmer with successes to show at the end of the season; Olivia Dorhorst, junior, “had an incredible Sectional meet as well,” placing seventh in the 50 Free and second in the 500 Free.  Natasha Fernandez, sophomore,swam 4 events, including back to back races of the 100 Backstroke (17 th place) & 100 Breaststroke (13 th place). Freya Freimark, junior,swam in the 200 Free and 100 Fly, and  freshman Aria Kiousisimproved upon times between Conference and Sectionals in the 50 Free and 100 Free.

Each team member made the most of their season, which was “an overall success”, according to Kragseth and the swimmers.

I think our team did great,” Krogman said. “At sectionals, 2 of us even made the podium (1st-6th place)! My best memory would be getting to know all of the girls, as there were a few that I had never met before conference, and that was a great [experience overall].”