For fashion or for show?

Why do teens in high school wear name brands, and why the bigger picture matters more than the brands.

Photo by Photo by Annette Suk

Name brands are popular among teens in school and it is the normal scene to see people wearing Pink, Nike, and Adidas. However, name brands can be associated with trying to fit in other social groups.

Teens are exposed to all kinds of fashion every day. From the casual outfits of some, there are also students who walk around with name branded clothes, such as Nike, Pink, and Lululemon. But how do we stand out among others who are dressed the same? How should we avoid the influence of social media and its models?

Before I started to own some items of clothing from name brands, I assumed name branded clothing was a way for some teens to fit into different social groups. With their $98.00 leggings from Lululemon or the $55.00 shirt from Pink occasionally caused me to cringe in distaste. Ultimately, I was jealous over their clothes but I knew I did not want to spend so much money on one item of clothing I could spend hanging out with my friends.

But there is another posing question: are name brands worth the money? After falling to the desire to own name branded clothing, I went on a Pink shopping spree. As I found out, there were some positives and negatives. They were all comfortable to wear to school and felt a lot different from the other clothes I had. However, for the money I paid, I felt as if some of the clothes were not all made as well as I thought they would be. Sweatshirts were stretched and some were too thin to wear in the winter. And as the years progressed, so did the fashion and all the clothes I bought seemed to not fit in anymore. Some of the items are pieces I have not worn in a while.

It may not be the case for all name brands, but the expectations I had definitely did not match the reality of name brands. While glorified, they are too hyped up. Not all the pieces of clothing are flattering but teens purchase them anyway because of the appeal of a name brand. Rather than receiving comments, I’ve heard many insults behind his/her back for owning something so expensive.

Social media also plays a role in these influences. When an Instagram model or a famous celebrity posts a photo of their outfit, others are influenced by the celebrity to purchase those items, ignoring the cost and comfort. Once someone buys the product, it spreads around the school and everyone starts to own the same items of clothing because they were influenced by other teens to purchase the same clothes.

However, as everyone else soon begins to own the same clothes as the rest of the student population, how can you be yourself and stand out amongst so many others? I think styling and confidence plays a strong role in making you unique and different, in a good way.

While name branded clothing are special with the cost and material, they are still clothes. Rather than just wearing the item, you can shine out if you style it a particular way that still highlights the name branded clothes. If you can elevate the look with different styles, it will attract attention as something different and fresh.

Carrying confidence is also key. While it is difficult to boldly present new fashion looks, you should never try to act like a different person when attempting a new style. Having confidence in your appearance and outfit has always inspired and influenced me to go out the box occasionally and wear clothes I would have never touched before. The results were amazing. Complimenting me for pulling off the look, or complimenting me for trying something new- they both felt equally amazing. But it’s the confidence that can allow you to stand out.

I believe that name brands have a strong influence in the fashion choices we choose today. They are costly, but they are special in ways my other clothes would not be able to shine as much. While wearing name branded clothing is exciting, be able to open yourself up with different styles and always walk around being your best self with confidence.