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An Overview of the Most Common Dental Procedures Available Today

If the sight of a dentist’s chair fills you with anxiety, rest assured that you are not alone! It is easy to be afraid when someone’s hands are in your mouth doing something you don’t know much about. Much of that fear can be alleviated when we understand exactly what is going on and why we need these procedures!

Dental problems are common, and the pain is intense! Many worry about how to pay for these procedures and instead choose to wait and suffer. There are options, and you don’t need to wait! Dental insurance covers many of the common procedures and can help lower the cost. View our Dencover dental insurance to see what your options are! There is no need to wait and suffer any longer. When you understand what is going to happen and how you are going to pay for it, the fear fades!

Here are some of the most common dental procedures you may experience!


Cavities are a result of damage due to tooth decay and can be treated by drilling away the decay and then filling the hole. The dentist will first numb your tooth/jaw using an injection. Once the dentist is sure you are numb, s/he will begin to remove the decayed portions of the tooth. This is ordinarily done with a small drill. When the decay is removed, it will be filled and then smoothed out. The entire procedure is relatively quick and painless.

Root canal

A root canal is needed when the soft tissue inside a tooth becomes infected and needs to be removed. The procedure takes about 2-3 hours but may require a second visit. Any antibiotics prescribed before the treatment help to treat the infection. You will be numbed and the dentist will begin by drilling an access hole into the tooth. The nerve, pulp, and other damage will be removed; and the tooth will be cleaned out. The remaining space will be sealed, although this may occur in a second dental visit.

Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction may be necessary if you wait too long to get a root canal . Tooth extractions may also be done to create more space in the mouth. Depending on the number of teeth needing to be removed or the complexity of the procedure, you may be put to sleep. If the procedure is simple, you will only receive a local anesthetic. In the procedure, the tooth will be loosened and then removed with forceps. More complex procedures may require cutting into the gums to remove the tooth. Your dentist will provide pain medication for the soreness that may occur in the days following.

Dental implants

After a tooth extraction , a gap is left behind. Sometimes this gap is filled with a tooth implant . This implant is a false tooth fused to the jawbone that acts as a placeholder. Without the implant, the gap may lead to teeth shifting; affect your ability to eat; or change your facial structure. A titanium post is implanted into the jawbone, the titanium post is what holds the false tooth in place. You can learn more about dental implants in Dubai by scheduling a consultation with your dentist. Dental implants are an excellent, long term solution to tooth loss. They look and feel like natural teeth, giving patients the confidence to smile again. Getting dental implants requires several visits and it also depends on the condition of your jawbone.

Getting dental implants requires several visits and it also depends on the condition of your jawbone.

These dental procedures are very common, but knowledge can help to fight the fear that can accompany your next dentist’s visit. Keeping your teeth healthy through brushing, flossing, and a good diet can help you avoid further visits and damage!

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