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How To Determine If Someone Has Asperger’s Syndrome

People with Asperger’s syndrome, children or adults, have a vast variety of symptoms. There are no two same cases. There are those individuals that may experience minor issues that are not interfering that much with their everyday life, while there are also others that may struggle to function in daily routines or social, academic, and other environments. It is important to know the symptoms and to recognize them so we could help those that need it and give them a proper diagnosis. 

What Is Asperger’s Syndrome?

In the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM for short, Asperger’s syndrome was considered a unique diagnosis until 2013. Before then it was considered that it was a stand-alone diagnosis, and was not combined like other forms of autism into one, called autism spectrum disorder or ASD. 

The term itself is still used by some doctors, however, it now falls under ASD. People that have it have average verbal skills and high intelligence. It is being thought of as a high-functioning form of autism. In order to confirm whether or not you or someone who is close to you has it, one would need to go to a developmental pediatrician, psychiatrist, psychologist, neurologist, or take an online aspergers test as a start. It would be wise to seek advice from professionals on how to proceed next in case the assumptions were true.

How To Recognize It?

The majority of adults with Asperger’s have a delay in their language skills or with their cognitive abilities even though their above-average intelligence may be obvious. 

There are also those diagnosis symptoms that may significantly affect them in their daily life and as we have mentioned since no one has the exact same manifestations, some may have one while others may feel them all at different times. The symptoms of high functioning adults are divided into few areas:

  • Behavioral 
  • Emotional 
  • Communication
  • Other

Behavioral and Emotional Symptoms

Repetitive Patterns

A common symptom for ASD is engaging in repetitive behavior . That can be many things, like opening a door a certain way, doing the same thing in the morning before breakfast, or even spinning a pen between the fingers for a certain amount of times. There are other disorders that show the same behavioral patterns so it does not mean that if your loved one has them that it is AS for sure.

Emotional Issues

When asked to explain social or emotional issues like frustration or sadness, it may be quite difficult for them to interpret. That is because of their logical way of thinking so things like this, that are hard to see, represent a barrier.

Another Perspective

Adults that have ASD can also struggle to see the world from “other people’s shoes” . They may have a hard time reacting to actions and words, as well as being empathetic or concerned.

Exaggerated Emotions

Even though it is not always intentional, adults that have Asperger’s may also struggle with situations that involve feelings. Meaning, if they are found in something they find too hard to handle emotionally or frustrating, or patterns change, they may have uncontrolled and intense reactions.

Sensory Stimuli

People with Asperger’s syndrome can be either hypersensitive or quite the opposite, hyposensitivity can be present, to various sensations. Those sensations as an example can be touching people excessively or having the need to be in dark or even smelling objects on purpose

Communication Symptoms

Social and Speech Difficulties

Social interactions may be somewhat challenging for people with ASD. The possibility of having a small talk with them is not possible to be carried out. It is also not unusual for them to have “stiff” or repetitive speech. It is difficult for them to moderate their voice for a particular environment. As an example, lowering their voices in the theater is most likely not possible.

Verbal And Non-Verbal Skills

There are also cases of adults with ASD that have exceptional verbal skills, especially in areas of interest. However, some cases do not understand cues from other people, like facial expressions or body language as well as hand gestures, and when talking, they may not make eye contact. 

Other Symptoms


Sitting or walking, as well as tying shoes or opening an envelope, just like other motor coordination skills may be a challenge. Adults that have ASD have certain difficulties when it comes to overcoming these tasks. That is an additional indicator that someone has Asperger’s. 


Someone with Asperger’s may have hyperfocus towards certain things. This is not uncommon. Vocabulary and understanding of the subject of interest are also usual. Whenever engaging with others, they may insist on talking about it. 

Most individuals that have Asperger’s syndrome or are some other autism spectrum disorder will be diagnosed as children. At the same time, some adults will find a solution later in life. But with this diagnosis, through finding a therapist and treatment you need to help you, you can challenge your obstacles and live a productive and happy life. 

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