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Going Solar? Here’s What to Keep in Mind

In the last decade, more people have started becoming aware of the negatively increasing environmental issues. Many people also have started to notice the spiking utility costs and are actively looking for practical alternatives. Luckily, the availability of solar panel installations has increased and has also become more affordable. By combining photovoltaics and solar installation , the power of sunlight can be harnessed and transformed into electricity. Using solar panels will spare you from contributing to greenhouse gas and pollutants emissions, it will reduce your carbon footprint, and will significantly reduce your monthly bills. Besides, if you go solar, you may be eligible for a tax deduction in many areas of the world. If you want to go solar, here are some things to keep in mind. 

Your Roof

Although solar panels are designed to work in multiple climates and environments, unfortunately, they are not suitable for all roofs. You must first determine whether your roofing is suitable for the installation of solar panels before attempting to make the shift. For optimal performance, solar panels should be installed on roofs that face south and slope between 15 and 40 degrees. You should also consider the size and shape of your roof as it may not support solar panel installations. If you have excessive shade on your roof as a result of trees, for instance, rooftop solar panels will not work for you. Old and aged roofs may also not be able to support rooftop solar panels. However, don’t be discouraged if your roof doesn’t allow for solar panel installations. There are other options, such as community solar options, that may work for you. You and multiple others can benefit from a single solar array. This is usually even more advantageous as participants can all split the cost of purchase and installation. 

How to Start 

You can refer to one of the many mapping services available to help you determine if your roof is suitable for solar panel installation. It can even display or connect you to feedback or advice from trusted solar providers in your region. You can also use the internet to find nearby solar companies and providers. If you live in Australia, many results are likely to show up. This is why the professionals at suggest that you browse through each of their reviews, testimonials, information, pricing, and services to determine the best provider for you and your house. There are many campaigns that you can follow that will help you start the process. Oftentimes, you will find many homeowners who are looking to go solar collaboratively discussing rates, choosing providers, and heightening your interest and dedication regarding going solar. 

The Installation Process

You may be wondering if you can install solar panels yourself to decrease the costs, or maybe get it done at your own convenience. However, the best option available is to do it through a certified professional who works with quality solar panels. Solar panels are still somewhat complex and those who don’t have enough experience may not install them effectively. You must ensure that your provider, or the person who will be installing the panels, is awarded through the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners with an industry-standard certification. However, you may be able to install solar panels on your own in the near future. An easily attachable solar array that comes with a roof mounting system that is adhesive and can be connected to the grid in just a few hours, is being developed by Fraunhofer. 

How Much Money You Will Save

A wrong misconception is that your utility costs will be eliminated after you go solar. Keep in mind that the amount of money you will save is still determined by the amount of energy , in terms of electricity, that you consume. It is also determined by the size of the solar panel system that you will install, whether you will be leasing or buying the system, and the amount of power that it will be generated with regard to the amount of sunlight that hits your roof, and the direction that it faces. Your area’s electricity rates, as well as possible compensation for the excess amounts of solar energy that will be sent back to the utility grid, are also significant determinants when it comes to the saved costs. 

Going solar can be rewarding for multiple reasons. Not only is it a way to cut your utility costs, but it’s also an excellent way to give back to the environment. However, since solar panels haven’t been popular for much time, not everyone is aware of the things they should consider. This is why we set a guide to help you out.

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