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Get Rid Of Old Paint Easy And Give Your Space A New Shine

As time flies, the decoration of your room is no longer your cup of tea, or you have just moved to a new room and desire to make it your own special space to unwind after the whole day long. 

If either of them is your case, repainting your room would be an outstanding idea. But it is easier said than done, suppose you have no idea where to get started, this article may come in handy with some basic instructions on how to remove the old paints and touch up your interior.

What To Notice When Repainting Your Room

Providing the wall you will be working on ages more than 40 years, you may have lead-based paint below the surface. It is recommended to seek professional help if you plan beyond the surface repairs.

Plus, paint color should correspond to the general atmosphere and design of the room. If you are overwhelmed and clueless about a wise option, you may read more here for helpful advice not only on paint colors but various relevant stuff. It depends on your style and the mood you want for your space when it comes to the overall color. 

During the procedure, these points are worth your attention: 

  • Keep the room well-ventilated.
  • Priming the wall can save on paint. 
  • Stir the paint thoroughly
  • Start with a small amount and reapply as needed to avoid a thick, unruly touch-up blob.
  • Take time to wait until the paint is completely dry before evaluating. 

To dispose of the leftover paint, take liquid paint to your local recycling center. Dry paint can generally be tossed in the trash so it’s a good idea to mix it with kitty litter and let it harden.

How To Strip Wall Paint

You may assume that it is unnecessary to strip your walls’ old coat. Nevertheless, it is crucial to have a smooth surface to paint on as the bubbles and flakes on the old paint will show through the new look, which is aesthetically irritating. Then, what should be considered before removing the old paint? 

Look For The Best Way

There are several different ways to remove wall paint, thoroughly check the condition and the type of your walls to decide which option is appropriate. 

  • Scrape: if the paint is already loosened, peeling, or chipped, try scraping. 

Grab a putty knife, scraper, or an oscillating tool with a rigid scraper blade and scrape the loose paint. 

Use a wire brush for hard-to-reach places and joint compound or spackle to patch the wall, in case there are any holes or gouges after scraping. 

Sometimes there are too many small flakes that a scraper can’t remove all the paint. If so, take fine-grit sandpaper to sand the surface smooth and wipe with a damp sponge or cloth towels once it’s dry.

Be aware that it is impossible to scrape a textured wall without removing the texture. So, unless you want to apply a new texture, don’t try.

Laying a drop cloth under your work area to catch the small pieces of paint that fall from the wall will save you much time and effort when cleaning up.

  • Chemical: If the paint has not loosened yet, you have little choice but to use chemical paint strippers. 

Nonetheless, as having extremely strong chemicals, they must be applied with caution under the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper use and personal safety. 

Below are some suggestions to safely utilize a chemical stripper to remove paint

  1. Lay drop cloths in place on the floor. Cover furniture as needed. 
  2. Use a paint roller to apply the paint stripper to the entire wall. Make sure to cover all the paint. Repeat that until all paint is gone.
  3. Scrape the loosened paint from the surface.
  4. When the paint is removed, rinse and wash with cold, clear water.
  • Homestripper: If professional stripping products don’t seem like good options for your situation, you can create a homemade paint stripper. 

Mix denatured alcohol , mineral spirits, and acetone in the proportion of 5:3:1. Apply and scrape away until all paint is removed.

Be Well-prepared

After choosing a method to apply, you will know what particular tools and materials are in need. However, in general, below is the list of basic stuff to prepare in advance.

  • Paint scraper
  • Wire brush
  • Sandpaper
  • Bucket
  • Sponge
  • Towels
  • Drop cloth
  • Shop-Vac
  • Dust mask

If you use a chemical wall paint remover, ensure ventilation and that you wear protective gear . Furthermore, some additional materials are needed:

  • Chemical paint stripper 
  • Paint roller and brush
  • Roller tray 
  • Disposable paint coveralls
  • Protective gear: plastic gloves, goggles
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