The Importance of Google and Bing Business Pages

Man sitting under a banner which says local business at a desk.

Connecting your business and social media efforts to your Google Business Profile and Bing Places for Business has never been more important as both Google and Microsoft will have their AI (Artificial Intelligence) search engines pull data (including images) from these accounts and show the information in the AI generated answers snapshot. Reviews from your profiles may also appear in organic results and AI generated content at the top of the page. 

It is time to ensure that all your information is correct on these two profiles and that you are making regular updates to keep the content meaningful to visitors. If you have not already asked us to assist you with these search engine business pages, please get with us now to check our service offerings and even on-demand optimizations.

Updating your Bing Places for Business page is important because it helps increase your search traffic and can only help you get more organic traffic to your site. Bing Places is the platform where the profile info is set up. This includes account, list, submit, manage your client business. Bing Places enables local business owners to add their listing to Bing Maps.

For both Google and Bing, updating your business pages are important because these pages may appear in location specific searches. The more active you are on the platform, the more signals you send to Google and Bing that your listing is accurate and trustworthy.

Additionally both search engines use their local pages for gathering reviews and even allow you to link to the page when you ask clients to review your businesses and services.

So, these search engine business pages help you to:

Place organically for local searches
Gather customer reviews and showcase them
Showcase your business

Check out our website for our complete service listing and check to see if we can help you with the set up or optimization of a Google Business Page or Bing Places for Business page.

Bing Places – Local Business Listings – How to Guide

Bing Ads – A Great Place for Many Businesses
Bing Ads – A Great Place for Many Businesses

Of course you’ve listed your business on Google, but have you grabbed your Bing Places account? With Windows 10 and more Bing integration with this new platform, I am finding my own self on Bing more. So don’t forget you want your own business to be found easier and faster on Bing too as they get more traffic.

Grab Your Listing

First make sure you have a Microsoft ID for your business, then visit  Bing Places  online at  then go to the site and login and enter in your business phone number. Bing will auto populate a form with what it knows about your business. You can then either claim the listing or create a new one.

If your old address shows, go ahead and claim it as you have to claim and verify by phone before you can change to your new address.

Update Your Listing

Then work your way through the five or so screens to add information about your business. You’ll be asked to choose one of Bing’s categories for your business. This is not the time to get creative, you’ve got to choose one of theirs. Add pictures to your listing, but they have to be bigger than 468 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall.

Verify Your Listing by Snail Mail

To assure Bing that you are who you say you are, you will for the first time need to verify your listing by snail mail. Bing will regular mail you a postcard with a PIN. It will typically arrive in less than one week.

There’s No Optimization

Really there is nothing more you can do for your listing. Don’t get fooled into buying any optimization services. There is simply nothing else that can be added to your listing to boost performance.

Do I think it is important to claim your listing – absolutely! Better to provide the “right” information as the business owner than for Bing to guess about your business hours and possibly even use the wrong phone number.

Bing Places – Local Business Listings – How To Guide

Nancy McCord is a Bing Ads Accredited Member.
Nancy McCord is a Bing Ads Accredited Member.

Of course you’ve listed your business on Google, but have you grabbed your Bing Places account? With Windows 10 and more Bing integration with this new platform, I am finding my own self on Bing more. So don’t forget you want your own business to be found easier and faster on Bing too as they get more traffic.

Grab Your Listing

First make sure you have a Microsoft ID for your business, then visit Bing Places online at  then go to the site and login and enter in your business phone number. Bing will auto populate a form with what it knows about your business. You can then either claim the listing or create a new one.

If your old address shows, go ahead and claim it as you have to claim and verify by phone before you can change to your new address.

Update Your Listing

Then work your way through the five or so screens to add information about your business. You’ll be asked to choose one of Bing’s categories for your business. This is not the time to get creative, you’ve got to choose one of theirs. Add pictures to your listing, but they have to be bigger than 468 pixels wide by 360 pixels tall.

Verify Your Listing by Snail Mail

To assure Bing that you are who you say you are, you will for the first time need to verify your listing by snail mail. Bing will regular mail you a postcard with a PIN. It will typically arrive in less than one week.

There’s No Optimization

Really there is nothing more you can do for your listing. Don’t get fooled into buying any optimization services. There is simply nothing else that can be added to your listing to boost performance.

Do I think it is important to claim your listing – absolutely! Better to provide the “right” information as the business owner than for Bing to guess about your business hours and possibly even use the wrong phone number.

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