How to delete a Google account from an Android smartphone or tablet

Android-Fix-06Since they are designed to live in harmony, it may seem strange to talk about removing a Google account from an Android device, but the truth is that in some cases it may be necessary, especially if your Android device is showing some error while trying to download  or upgrade an 'app.

Another reason may be the desire to give your smartphone or tablet to another user without bring it back to the factory settings.

Let's see how to remove a Google Account from your Android smartphone or tablet.

Go to the Settingsmenu of your smartphone/tablet.

How to delete a Google account from an Android smartphone or tablet

Scroll down to find the Accountsection. Some Android devices sections are divided into tabs so you have to select the tab correspondent.

In the Account section, select Google.

How to delete a Google account from an Android smartphone or tablet

Here you can view Google accounts stored on your Android device. If there are multiple accounts select the main one.

How to delete a Google account from an Android smartphone or tablet

Click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select Remove account, you will be shown the following message.

How to delete a Google account from an Android smartphone or tabletRemoving this account will delete all of its messages, contacts and other data from the phone!

This means that after the removal you can not access Gmail or other Google apps. Do not worry, because at the end of the procedure you can safely re-enter the account thus regaining the use of all apps involved.

Click on Remove accountagain.

Now restart your Android smartphones/tablets.

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