How to repair a phone fell in the water

How to repair a phone fell in the waterYou are at the beach or pool and your smartphone fell into the water?

Not dramatized, we see how to proceed to make operational again your smartphone.

Things not to do if the smartphone falls into water

Do not try to turn the smartphone, contrary make sure it is turned off.

Many believe that it is enough to put the smartphone, fell into the water, the rice because running again. It was wrong, because the rice is limited to dry the water and absorb surface moisture. Also in the time required for the rice to absorb moisture, the water may have already fused circuits and mineral residues can cause oxidation in the device.

Things to do if the smartphone falls into water

  1. Make sure your smartphone is turned off;
  2. If you can disconnect the battery;
  3. Insert the smartphone in a hermetic bag and add in pure alcohol.

It seems strange to use pure alcohol as a remedy for a phone fell into the water, but the explanation comes from the scientific journal Focus Science and Technologyin an article that explains how the pure alcohol is the best remedy for a smartphone fell in water.

The article explains that immerse the phone in alcohol pure is the best solution in case of smartphones fell into the water, because alcohol pushes water and minerals outside of the smartphone without causing damage to the electronics.

When finished just remove the smartphone from the bag and put it to dry, the alcohol will evaporate completely leaving no residue.

WARNING: Alcohol is highly flammable, so be careful.

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