How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot

How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot Androidsmartphones have the potential that you do not expect, some untapped because unknown.

One of these is the ability to use your Android smartphone as a hotspotto share your data connection with other smartphone, tablets and notebooks.

Let's find out how to do it.

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Access the Settingsand select More

How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot

Access to Tethering & portable hotspot.

How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot

Now access to Set up Wi-Fi hotspotto configure the hotspot

How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot

In th popup insert a network name, select a securitytype (we recommend WPA2 PSK for safety) and enter a password. Now click on Save.

How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot

After configuring the hotspot you can turn your hotspot.

How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot

When the hotspot is turned on you will see this icon on your status bar.

How to use an Android smartphone as a hotspot

WARNING: This will cause an increase of consuming data from your smartphone.

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