Google Play Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Android-Fix-05When you try to download an app on your Androidsmartphone/tablet you receive the following message?  Error retrieving information from server [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] .

Let's see how to solve this problem.

Guìa para resolver los errores que se producen al recuperar las informaciòn de Google play: [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] Guìa para resolver los errores que se producen al recuperar las informaciòn de Google play: [RPC:S-7:AEC-7]
Google Play Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] come risolverlo, guida e Fix Google Play Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] come risolverlo, guida e Fix


The problem is related to the application  Google Play Service and  Google Service Framework.

How to fix the error retrieving information from server [PRC:S-7:AEC-7]

How to fix the error retrieving information from server [RPC:S-7:AEC-7]

Access the Settingsmenu and then click on the App. Settings > App

Google Play Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Scroll through the menu horizontally until you find All, here you will find all the applications currently installed on your smartphone.

Google Play Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Find the Google Play Serviceand access them.

Google Play Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Click Clear Dataand then Clear Cash. If you have a device with Android KitKator later you will not find the button Clear Data, but you can press on Manage Space, scroll to the bottom and click Clear all data.

Google Play Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-7] how to solve it, guide and Fix

Now go back to the menu App>All and select Google Service Framework and select Clear Dataand Clear Cache.

After these steps most users have solved their problem, then I recommend you restart your smartphone/tablet and try to download or update an app from the Google Play Store.

If still displayed the message  Error retrieving information from server [RPC:S-7:AEC-7]  you have to proceed to temporarily delete the Google account from the device.

Here you will find a detailed guide on How to delete the account from your Google Android device .

After removing the Google Account reboot your device.

When your smartphone/tablet restarts, re-enter your Google account.

This solves the problem.

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