You know that old saying, “If you don’t have anything nice to say…”? Well I guess that doesn’t apply to the internet. Something about the perceived anonymity gives peoples brass enhancements and lures them into saying things they would never say in person. Something about the web makes people brazen and a wee bit ridiculous. I see a lot of my fellow blogging friends brought down by rude comments and either I just don’t write in a way that makes people want to comment or my spam filters are excellent at picking up on BS, but I don’t get that many nasty comments. I think I have had 5 comments in the few years I have been doing this that left me perplexed or laughing.

I recently saw one of my recipes and images features on another web site, where in the comment section a reader accused me of stealing the recipe. Cool. If they had read my post, on my web site, where they never had the stones to come comment about a recipes authenticity, they would have seen that I did not claim the recipe as my own at all. That in the post I said it was a recipe that my step mother had shown me years before and that a quick google search listen thousands of origins for, but since she was the one who taught me the recipe, like someone had taught her, that’s where that debate ended. It’s cool that that other sites that’s getting thousands of hits from pinterest by using my pictures is letting people question recipe authenticity though. Clearly the concerned reader, or editors of that other site were so bothered about copyrights they were willing to come back here and contact me directly.

I see where hurtful or negative comments can really upset someone, I am not impervious to that. However, I have always had the attitude (at least on the internet) that if someone is willing to leave a hurtful comment, you probably annoyed them far more than there comment can you. After all, we bloggers have the mighty power to delete said comment if it really gets under our skin.

So with that in mind, and because I had some moments of font loving the other day, (and because I am doing a minor experiment) here are some graphics for ya. Feel free to use them if you like.

Oh, and some wine in case that rant didn’t help.


Fruity White Sangria Pops

from BHG Special Interest: Mexican


  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 cup dry white wine
  • 1 cup sliced fresh strawberries
  • 1 small mango, seeded, peeled, and chopped
  • 2 kiwifruits, peeled, halved, and thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup green grapes, halved or quartered
  • 1/4 cup ginger ale
  • 1 tbs lime juice


In a small saucepan over medium heat, combine the honey and water an bring to a boil. Add wine and bring to a boil again. Reduce heat, add strawberries, and mango. Simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. With a slotted spoon, remove fruit from mixture, reserving the liquid. Set aside.

In a small bowl, toss fruit with cooked fruit. Divide the fruit mixture evenly in 12 pop molds or paper cups.

Combine the ginger ale and lime juice with the reserved wine mixture and divide evenly among pop mold. Freeze for 1 hour and insert wooden craft stick and continue to freeze for 6 to 24 hours.

Let pops stand at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes before removing from molds to serve.



  1. Wow, I guess I’m fortunate enough to not having (or haven’t yet) received such hurtful comments. Either that, or I’m just too thick-skinned to get affected by it. Love both your kick-ass signs. Now if everyone could put one on their blog …I love these ice pops … absolutely perfect for our boiling humid weather. I’d sit in a tub of them too! How delicious! 🙂

  2. Sounds like that person needs some sangria to make ’em smile!!! Or sit in a tub of them….

  3. I have somehow avoided nasty comments so far. And I really love these pops!

  4. Sorry to hear about the hurtful comments. I do love your graphics and the sangria pops! I usually have a ton of fruit around the house and it’s nice to be able to use them in something other than a smoothie 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  5. Oh my gosh, your graphics are hilarious.Your pops look amazing, and I think an excellent remedy for nasty comments. 😉

  6. I like the green graphic, it’s just perfect. I don’t get people who steal photos and recipes. If you aren’t creative enough to come up with your own stuff, why are you running a blog? People are wacky. Oh, and thanks for the wine. 🙂

  7. Yikes, that’s just crazy! I better have a few of these gorgeous sangria pops in the freezer in case I get a nasty comment 🙂

  8. LOL, so glad you brought up some of the things I’ve been thinking about…so sorry you had to deal with all the “it’s not your recipe” BS…never fun. I find it irritating when people don’t read the entire post and then jump to conclusions…if the information is all there for them to read, they should take the time to go through it before accusing you of stealing someone else’s recipe. Well, I just love your recipes and posts so keep up the great work! Oh, and your sangria pops look GREAT!

  9. Katrina and I have shared some of our nastiest and most peculiar comments. It happens and people are definitely more forward with leaving nasty comments than happy ones. Would you call me out on something or tell me you don’t like something to my face? Nope probably not. They’re hiding behind their computer.

  10. You are awesome, Kita! You said it so well. Great graphics and wine pops? You are brilliant!

  11. As long as you know you’re being true and what you’re doing is right, try not to let people get to you. It’s just not worth it. I also, love these sangria pops… they look absolutely perfect!

  12. Sigh. I had someone write me a comment claiming I stole someone else’s recipe as well. Granted, they were similar, but it was for commonly used ingredients. Dislike. Anywho, I’m sure these Sangria Pops work well to let off some steam 🙂

  13. Haha, love that you made these sangria instead of simple fruit punch 😉 Looks delicious!

  14. Wow, those pops are just gorgeous looking, Kita! It’s funny that I’m reading your post now because just a couple of hours ago I got my first nasty comment ever. What I found amazing is not only that someone would be so rude as to come into my “house” and insult me but that he found fault with a recipe he had not yet tried. Um…maybe you should try it out before you list the endless things you believe are wrong with it. Needless to say, I applied the delete button.

  15. These are awesome! Perfect for summer fun and beach days here. I also love your graphics, I have been trying a little myself with my quotes, but am failing, yours look great.

  16. Whenever you see a negative comment, realize it’s because the writer feels inadequate and can only make themselves feel better by attacking you. There are very few ‘original’ recipes in the world, because everyone tweaks and makes it their own. In the old days, we passed on recipes by word of mouth from people passing through who may or may not have been the originator (who may well have not been the creator!). This is one of the most vicious generations I’ve had the experience of watching and I only pray something changes. The Internet is helping to create a very cruel and brutal side of mankind to take precedence. I can only imagine what final catastrophe will occur before these mean-spirited people finially wake up. Love that delete button.

  17. Lora @cakeduchess says:

    I feel empowered when I click delete. I love the graphics you made and really love the wine pops. I could use a couple this week every night;)

  18. I love this recipe! Mostly because I can get drunk off of it ; ) P.S. I totally understand what you mean about the internet and people forgetting they’re talking to people.

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