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TOPIC: Thoughtography

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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As taken from readers digest/Mind power "The phenomenon of what is called thought photography has its roots in Japan. In1910 Tomokichi Fukurai a professsor of psychology at Tokyo university, tested a woman Mrs Ikuko Nagao"  She was able to imprint images on photographic plates using thoughts. It was revived in the 1960s when both Ted Serios and Nina Kulagina both were able to exsibit this phenomenon onto polaroids and roll film.
Ok now our history lesson is through. Lets talk about digital cameras and the possibility of Pk causing this phenomenon in the image processors. I think its possible but would like some help brainstorming. Oh yeah I got the idea as I got snaped doing 20 km over the speed limit and have now helped raise more revenue for our society. A small price to pay for this great Idea. Now Im gonna do my part and research more into the image capture devices to see exactly what needs to be manipulated with pk. I was thinking either imprinting a blob or image on the digital file or wiping it completely. (purly for information and data transfer purposes not messing with speed cameras lol) So please start snaping experimenting and sharing your successful photos I promise to be openminded so please help in this research. between us we may just develop a new way to communicate

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Psionics researcher

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Posts: 57

umm dude theres something called photoreading i think and its lik just that lol

play with fire and your going to get burned

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Is that where you can project an image from your mind to a camera?

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

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Psionics researcher

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Posts: 57

o not 2 a camera

play with fire and your going to get burned

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Ive been having some success running my Mobile phone camera the one i use for all my videos in a dark room while I project it looks like dark faces keep forming I think I this may also be good for photokinesis the spontainious emition of light can you give it a try Marcus and see what happens on your end?

-- Edited by Shirak Omega X at 23:57, 2008-02-22

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

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Psionics researcher

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Posts: 57

wait wat do u mean project?

play with fire and your going to get burned


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lol hes just trying to get some photos in the dark :)
Just kidding Shirak :) Ok sounds like a challenge

Now the eyes are open may they always see.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Thoughtography photo 1
This is my first attempt at projecting an image this is a still shot from a video I took in the dark with my hand covering the lens projecting an image of myself glowing. I think I need more practice lol.biggrin

-- Edited by Shirak Omega X at 09:17, 2008-03-16

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

Psionics researcher

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Posts: 72

Can you post more of these please? :D

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 2476

Try this at home in the dark get your video phone turn the screen light off hand in front or over the lens Imagine strong imagry and film some video. Then upload to your computer and search frame by frame or just watch it is interesting what comes through. Pause on an image and just press print screen. I am using a Nokia n70 .

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

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Psionics researcher

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I was just hoping you would add more because when I increase the sharpness in photoshop using smart sharpen there appears to be half a face and an eye near the center. this could be random coincidence plus my imagination constructing a face out of random shapes, much like the effect when one finds images in clouds.

I do not currently understand energy manipulation but I will try.

Psionics researcher

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Posts: 57

ya i saw that 2. pretty cool, maybe if it gets developed enough u can create illusions, or mirages! thatd be cool

play with fire and your going to get burned

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


Psionics Journalist

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A fascinating article about throughtography.
Nicola Tesla weighs in on the subject proposing a machine to help make it happen.

Having recently tried the Polaroid test carried out in the video above during the film drying there were definite images that disappeared as it dried. I need more information about the process before trying again as Polaroid film is expensive.


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 2476

5:30 Dr Marcel Vogel USed to work for IBM now has a psionic lab and carries out experiments. He is using liquid crystal displays to do Thoughtography.

Dr Vogel also developed the magnetic coating for the 24 hard disk drive still in use today.

-- Edited by Shirak on Friday 3rd of September 2010 10:25:23 PM

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Ha! I thought I had read everything on the forum. This is a nice video; I relally love the bit about star communication, and will give it a go at my next opportunity:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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This was spoken of in the Dr Tiller lectures. This paper is pertinent to the discussion on orbs we have been having today which may indeed fall under the Psionic field of study called thoughtography.


"Certain deductions can be made from this study.

(1) Some kind of radiations exist in nature that can travel through materials that are normally opaque to visible light.
(2) Such radiations, which may be normally present in nature, can be imaged via the camera onto the film by some quality inherent in this man's energy field, and register an imprint at the physical level of the silver halide grains of the film.
(3) Some "energy soaking time" is needed for the camera to acquire this anomalous capacity after placing it in the special energy field of this man.
(4) This acquired anomalous capacity leaks away with a time constant of about l hour - unless continually "pumped" by the energy field of this particular man."

Now TH put me onto this video and they give a really good description or theory of the orbs. Skip to 5:22 for to skip the rest.

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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This is really cool! I've never heard of this before. Perhaps that is what caused the anomalies in my photos? I know there is nothing wrong with my camera, and clean the digital sensors myself. My only worry is, could this harm my camera? My geisting has broke other things before, and my cameras are very expensive. :/

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Posts: 981


I think orbs may be everywhere, i just found this which i took on a trip to belgium to look at new holland combines.

I have put a filter or something on it so you can see it better, got to work out how to use infra view, then i think i will have to make a youtube video

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Posts: 981


Heres the original picture you can just see the bright small one near the tower.

Actually if i stand up and look down towards my screen i can see some of the bigger ones

-- Edited by Treasure Hunter on Saturday 25th of June 2011 04:22:34 PM

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