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TOPIC: ?what are your uses of psychokinesis?


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?what are your uses of psychokinesis?

 Hello, i am new to this forum. At my level of training, [i can move a psi weel in whichever direction i want and moderate dancing flame]  i have no practical use for psychokiesis in my day to day routine ,and i was curious as to what people who have been training longer than me use for a practical purpose if any

I have only one burnin' desire, let me stand next to your fire

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 86

First off, Welcome to the forum!

Now, uses for PK outside of training... to be honest, I couldn't tell you. I'm not good enough to really do anything with it. I know Shirak has tried to extinguish the buds of cigs, and have talked about trying to stop a fan on a computer to make it stop.... I thin I read that somebody tried/turned of their light switch off.

I guess sky is the limit, depending on your ability and field of expertise. Maybe shutting a door? Stop something from falling off a table? Reading somebody's mind? Seeing an accident and trying to stop it before it happens?

I have no idea what I will do when I get full... well any, control over PK, but when I do, I have a feeling i'll know what I need to do with them.


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yeah i plan on doing the cig thing shirak is tryin that would be interesting

I have only one burnin' desire, let me stand next to your fire


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I have not yet seen any "materialistic" reason why should one learn PK other than to impress friends.
The real deal about PK is that you push the boundaries of reality as you percieve it, incorporating exciting mind-over-matter concepts into your personal truth.
To ask as "what can you do with PK" is like asking "what do you get after climbing K1". I don't think you can really answer that one.

Anyways, good luck :)

Oh, in case I used the word God: actually I have no idea what that is.


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while that was a deep and insightfull veiw of pk i was just wondering what people have used it for [as in amusing anecdotes]

I have only one burnin' desire, let me stand next to your fire

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I couldn't help myself this is gold.

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


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I have only one burnin' desire, let me stand next to your fire

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 86

That is GOLD Shirak! I laughed so hard at the beginning!

"And that was attempt number 42. Next time i'm going to try my foot!"

That is a GREAT way to start a movie! XD

This made my day so much better, thank you!


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Posts: 39

What are you guys saying?

Of course PK has practical uses... some times can even be very helpful.

How about lighting or putting out a candle without getting out of bed at
night and bearing with the cold.

Most people here would agree with that one, because it's within or very
close to their range of abilities.

Most people have electric lights with switches next to them, but I used to
live in a place like that once, and if at that time I knew how to do it, I

I'm just giving one example here. It's easy to find others.

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