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TOPIC: I'm interested in a journey...


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I'm interested in a journey...

I've come across this forum after seeing Shirak's videos. When I was younger I'd always 100% believe in Psychokinesis. I was always trying to move things by releasing some type of heat that I imagined coming from my hands. I was never truely successful, and others led me to believe it was all fake.

From the videos I've seen on Shirak it's just so hard to believe that it's not real, so now I'm interested again. I understand alot of this is based on positive energy. I think that we must produce positive energy, and it will come back to us, and that will in return help with Psychokinetic practices. If anything I'm saying is incorrect I definitely wish to be corrected. So basically I'm asking where do I start, how do I set my mind, and how much dedication must be put into this. What is my first goal once I start? What must I do to begin on this unknown "journey?"

One of the reasons I turned away from this was because of my religious beliefs. My mother wasn't really against it, but she wasn't sure if it was "okay" with God. I'm not trying to press my beliefs on anyone, so please respect them. After reading about the positive energy and enlightenment, and becoming spiritually strong I see it as this would be a good thing.

There's probably no "guide" to this, no algorithm, and infact I'm pretty sure there isn't... But- I believe that there must be something to get me started, something to help me begin my journey... So again I ask, how do I begin?


Psionics Journalist

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Posts: 326

Hey welcome! Being possitive is very important for this.
This video is a very good start.

Starting with energy work getting a feel for yin and yang energy start simple left right technique then push pull these will give you a basic energy technique from which to build there i also pulsing and stasis field many good walkthroughs on this forum.


Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 81

Capzlock wrote:

 I was always trying to move things by releasing some type of heat that I imagined coming from my hands. .

I think that is called Chi. I am not sure though, all I know is I have occassionley practiced my PK and eventually thats what I got. Heat and a tingling sensation coming from my hands. I haven't managed to move anything either. I found this site through  Shiraks videos too! I was really skeptical about other videos, I accepted them but had a bit of doubt in the back of my mind. But for some reason I felt that Shirak's were completley geniune. I think also because he brought a spiritual side but very scientific side to it as well. Thats what Pk is. I believe it can be explained scientifically, but believe it is very spiritual too. I think that the farther we advance in science the more it will actually help us understand the spiritual side of life as well. I mean I never understood why science is a threat to the idea of God or souls. I always thought science gets closer to validating those beliefs.

I do have a problem with this stuff in terms of being raised Christian/Catholic as well. I have always been a strong Catholic. An open minded and not very strict Catholic, but a strong believer in Jesus especially, if nothing else the bible says. One day I prayed and asked for the truth from God, because I was very confused and had a lot of doubts about a lot of things I have been told by so called "Christians". One thing led to another, and here I am believing in PK! I never thought I would ever believe in something like this! Sometimes fear comes back. Because a lot of Christians use FEAR to convert, or they want to scare you into being good or follow what they say. I'm not saying all Christians are like this, most aren't, but the scary ones are lol. Anyways, many Christians believe that going into the "occult" (which is what they would call this,even though its not really), can open you up to demonic posession (which I really dont believe, but am scared of nonetheless lol) and can send you to hell etc.! Sometimes those fears come back:( This is another reason I don't really tell people what I believe. I am actually afraid of "corrupting' them. Because I think to myself: What if this stuff is bad? What if I teach them and we all go to hell! lol I always say, if Im going to hell for this I want to go alone, I don't want to bring others with me. I don't believe in a permanent hell, but occasionaley I doubt my beliefs. The thing is that even though I have fear, my thirst for truth surpasses that fear.

Also, it's interesting you believed this as a child. Sometimes I think we have more knowledge as children than we do as adults. Because the older we grow, the more we are exposed to what society believes, and we "forget" that knowledge. I was an interesting kid, and I feel many times I was a lot wiser and "older" as a kid, then I am now. Strange huh?

Sorry for writing so much!

edit: about the whole Christian thing: I am just going to read the bible this summer, from front to back. I am also going to take books out from the library on subjects ranging from quantum physics, to religions around the world, to mythology, history, astronomy, philosiphy(my favorite), etc. I think I need to educate myself on all these things. It's going to take me a lifetime, but its going to be worth it. I also am going to continue practicing PK. If I ever feel uncomftrable I am going to take a break or stop. Because I believe the most important thing on this Earth are people and our relationships with them and taking care of eachother. So, that is the main point to my life: develop relationships, be patient with ignorant people lol, preach what I believe by my actions not my words. It's all about people and family.

But, I think you can find a lot of PK references in the bible. Ro mentioned that Jesus said, " Everything I do you can do and more" (not sure if it is the exact quote).Of course you can interpret the bible in many diff. ways, that is the dilemna. Sometimes I think that the bible is SUPPOSED to be this way. You interpret it according to where you are right now spiritually. If you are not spiritually ready for something like PK, you may interpret it as something more literal. Like it would be interpreted as Jesus is claiming you can help as many people as I have and more. Maybe people take diff. spiritual paths as well. Some people may advance spiritually just as much as PKers simply by helping others, feeding the poor, etc. Also, many saints in the Catholic church had strange powers such as the ability to be two places at one time, the ability to communicate with animals (St. Francis), etc. So that makes me feel better:)

I really like that video that Ro posted as well. It really fits to what I believe and think it is necessary to "really" advance in PK.

-- Edited by foreverago02 at 17:54, 2009-02-24

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