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TOPIC: Hello


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Hello everyone.  My name is Kris.  Professional musician, amateur philosopher, and most importantly a hippie :)  (of the tree hugging variety)  I just started with the psi wheel yesterday, have had good success thus far...can move it either direction with success up to about 5 foot distance.  I've 'known' PK to be real since I was a kid, but just assumed I wasn't one of the able, which is kind of silly, because energy manipulation is something that came as naturally to me as swimming does to a fish, that is, once I discovered energy during my first lsd experience (around age 22 (9 years ago)).  Anyhow, that's the short of it.  Good to be here.



Just because one can, doesn't mean one should

Psionics Research Fellow

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I am very interested in your LSD experiences. I have read a lot about LSD and spiritual insight. I don't think it's for me, but I would love to hear any experience you would be willing to share! What insight did LSD give you and do you believe it helped you in life in any way? Don't feel you have to share if you don't want to though!


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LSD, like all psychedelics, dissolves the artificial 'filters' of the mind imposed from without - culture, media, education, religion etc... it 'speeds up' the nervous system/perception apparatus, so that 'time' takes on an entirely different 'flavor'. Living geometry abound. Hear colors, taste sound, feel sight. Synesthesia to the extreme. Direct perception (all 7 senses) of energy. I would NOT recommend, but also wouldn't discourage the adventurous. I would advise 'noobs' to start milder --- magic mushrooms medium dose to start psychonauting.

Just because one can, doesn't mean one should


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Finally, someone with a little more experience in the unknown. I've done plateau-level shroom trips as well as Salvia Divinorum and know exactly what you mean by living geometry abound, synesthesia, time becomes mysterious... but perhaps the most perplexing thing you say though is the perception of 7 senses of energy.

Perhaps my trips were centered around a different nature of thought, because everything I "tripped about" danced upon philosophies of life, time, genetics and their future rather than the universe and steps toward ultimate realization.

Please go a little more in depth with your experience, as I'm far more interested in reading about acid trips leading to some realization as opposed to reading people's depressingly unsuccessful experiments that only proves that their struggle is a struggle.

I feel more comfortable to humble myself by labeling myself as a psychonaut-novice, as I'm generating far more questions than answers as the days pass. Do you have any techniques you could conjure that would start me off on my journey inward? Techniques that could possibly benefit me while either on psychedelics or in sobriety?

Psionics Research Fellow

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"Please go a little more in depth with your experience, as I'm far more interested in reading about acid trips leading to some realization as opposed to reading people's depressingly unsuccessful experiments that only proves that their struggle is a struggle."

Hey, if reaching the ability to perform psychokinesis wasn't hard, then it wouldn't be worth it. Everyone would have those abilities. The truth is it takes a special kind of person to have even the smallest success in psychokinesis. If psychokinesis didn't require some kind of spiritual growth, then anybody could do it. Therefore, yes its a struggle, but it makes it even more rewarding in the end. It's a challenge I believe every human being should take, and work towards achieving.

I like the spiritual insights that people get off psychedelics and all that stuff. Just BE CAREFUL! I know you probably hear that a lot, but they are drugs, and although I don't believe them to be as dangerous as "they" try to make them see, they can't be as safe as not taking any. But I love philosiphy and if you guys can PLEASE mention any philosiphies you've learned, you would have made my life! lol I would do psychedelics, but I don't like being in different states of mind. I don't even drink alcohol, because I don't like that it changes how I feel and think.


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spizzazle wrote:

Finally, someone with a little more experience in the unknown. I've done plateau-level shroom trips as well as Salvia Divinorum and know exactly what you mean by living geometry abound, synesthesia, time becomes mysterious... but perhaps the most perplexing thing you say though is the perception of 7 senses of energy.

Perhaps my trips were centered around a different nature of thought, because everything I "tripped about" danced upon philosophies of life, time, genetics and their future rather than the universe and steps toward ultimate realization.

Please go a little more in depth with your experience, as I'm far more interested in reading about acid trips leading to some realization as opposed to reading people's depressingly unsuccessful experiments that only proves that their struggle is a struggle.

I feel more comfortable to humble myself by labeling myself as a psychonaut-novice, as I'm generating far more questions than answers as the days pass. Do you have any techniques you could conjure that would start me off on my journey inward? Techniques that could possibly benefit me while either on psychedelics or in sobriety?

There is a misconception in western science that we have only 5 sensory inputs.  There are actually 7.  I'm sure you are familiar with, at least in theory, the sixth.  There are no words to positively describe the seventh, it can only be experienced as a 'oneness'.

I have managed, during meditation, to invoke a very mild 'trip like' state, through what I can describe as 'eating' or 'digesting' air.  This 'theory', if you will, is discussed in great detail by G.I.Gurdjieff (pay attention to that name foreverago02, as you asked about philosophy). 

Also, regarding clearing the 'junk' in our mental apparatus, I understand melatonin to be quite effective at assisting the mentioned clearing of junk.  1-3 mg before bed each night is good.  It is a natural hormone, although lacking due to the way we live in today's world, and is a very mild 'psychadelic'.  It doesn't cause a trip or invoke an 'altered state' proper, but eases you into that mind frame - which, I believe, is a natural birthright of humanity.

Regarding PK, I had a breakthrough, so to speak, last night.  Getting it to "work" is, in essence, getting out of your own way....just let it happen.  Easier said than done, but it makes sense once you 'taste' it.


-- Edited by RflctnOfU on Tuesday 4th of August 2009 08:55:35 PM

Just because one can, doesn't mean one should


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Posts: 22

I believe that we humans have 52 senses and that we are just using 5 and a few uses the sixth, its really nice to know people who are doing their best to experience all the senses they have.


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Could you please detail how you came to your belief that humans have 52 senses??

Just because one can, doesn't mean one should


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Posts: 22

Acually I beleive that we have more than 52 senses, why do I believe in this?, first ask yourself because you already know the answer. Wether you like it or not your never alone - "string theory"


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whoamiz wrote:

Acually I beleive that we have more than 52 senses, why do I believe in this?, first ask yourself because you already know the answer.   Wether you like it or not your never alone - "string theory"

You seem to presume quite a bit.  You still didn't answer my question, detailing HOW you came to this belief.  Plus you contradicted your first post "I believe we humans have 52 senses..." then "Actually I believe that we have more than 52 senses..."  So, which is it?  How did you come to these beliefs?

I asked myself, and the answer I came up with based on the data that you put forth is that you may be a nutter and a troll.  Is that the case??

As for String Theory, it is not much more than mental masturbation.  Truth, while potentially complex, MUST be elegant and simple at it's core, which string theory is NOT.  It is a labyrinth of complexities that lead nowhere.

Is it possible for you to answer a question straight??


-- Edited by RflctnOfU on Friday 7th of August 2009 09:54:24 PM

Just because one can, doesn't mean one should


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Posts: 22

I did not contradict it but I supported it and about the detail, I prefer not to say or talk about it in public. The reason why I posted is for those people who will read it will question about it which you did RflctnOFU, by the way when you read the "string theory" on my last post, what did you feel?


Psionics Journalist

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I am interested in the different abilities of perception. Interestingly enough I am more interested in learning to activate than to attack your point of view. If you have any techniques for new perception activation I am deeply interested. If they work they work if not they may not be for me. Thanks for your input.



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whoamiz wrote:

I did not contradict it but I supported it and about the detail, I prefer not to say or talk about it in public. The reason why I posted is for those people who will read it will question about it which you did RflctnOFU, by the way when you read the "string theory" on my last post, what did you feel?

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Just because one can, doesn't mean one should
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