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TOPIC: Brainwave Entrainment

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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RE: Brainwave Entrainment

It started to snow while I was trying to make it storm,   is that supposed to happen?biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

OMG Wyrm  thats amazing!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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@ Wyrm : Wow, that's cool. Keep on going..

@ Treasure Hunter biggrin

Owltwelve now has an advertisement for his hard work..

The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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hah, good one Sussch

the feeling of it moving

Psiontist with the lot

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All that happened was i was sitting in a lotus position and then i was listening intently to the audio. After about 30 minutes i pictured a storm gathering, wind and rain along with the clashing of lightning. I imagined it right outside my window while there was barely a cloud in the sky. Then after about 5 minutes the skies were all cloudy and it started to snow heavy. I am not that good at creating constructs, i can barely make a psi ball, but whatever i did it was pretty cool. I think it was to cold outside for it to rain and due to the lack of heat in the air prevented lightning? No idea really, but that's how i did it.

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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Sounds like you have a technique for weather manipulation to me, which can easily develop into a very strong construct. If you focus on the same intent each time you listen to the cloud flaring MP3, you'll imprint a trigger whch is anchored to the associated brainwave states. Eventually you won't require the MP3 at all! This is the true value of training with the approriate brainwave entrainment.

Nice going Wyrmbiggrin

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psiontist with the lot

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Is it also suppose to happen when i listen to Shamanic Music, because I've listened to it so much that i barely have to focus to feel the air around and create a breeze. In fact, without much focus, i can make a breeze just by breathing...I think i am getting good at it ^_^

Fides, libertas , et interioribus viribus; semper et semper.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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@ Wyrm : That's really cool, keep up with it. Perhaps you could even start a journal of your progress.

The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yeah, I would definately read your journal; if your comfortable with writing one that is. Since my mind is already pretty strongly entrained to win, I mostly linten to Atmospheric Density, & Cloud Flaring, but I enjoy them too:)

Also, I have some vacation time coming next week, so I will upload more entrainments next week. If anyone has any requests for a construct or elemental entrainment, let me know.

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psiontist with the lot

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electricity maybe, i have this feeling like i am on the verge of something and i would like to try to push it further till i get it. I feel electricity on the tips of my fingers when i focus hard enough, i can feel it gathering...idk what to do now -_-

Fides, libertas , et interioribus viribus; semper et semper.

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Some Tips :

A helpful method for feeling the viscosity increase while listening to Atmospheric Density, is to constantly roll a psiball between your hands as you listen to it. It should feel like a magnetic resistance feeling, which you can expand to other chakras & areas of the body, as well as into the atmosphere around you.

As an aside, a very powerful way to build up psiball strength for many applications, is to get two very powerful magnets, on for each hand. Then set them to repel one another, and play with this as you entrain the feeling for a few days. This will give a strong tactile sense memory of what empty force feels like. Your bodies magnetic field is likely to be more powerful & versitle than any magnets you train with, but they can help you learn to access your own biofield with less guess work.

When you are training the psiball with your own magnetic field, it's important to move very slowly at 1st. It's like performing tai chi movements, Eventually you can feel megnetic feeling everywhere. You may even begin to feel magnetic resistance between yourself & any object:)

-- Edited by owltwelve on Thursday 27th of January 2011 01:05:38 AM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Thanks Owltwelve I will give that a go, yeah I have noticed like a resistance feeling
between me and my pinwheel recently, been slowing it by turning my hand clockwise against its anticlockwise spin, it almost like I can feel the resistance the air is making.

I will probably start listening to it and wake up at like 4 in the morning after a crazy dream lol

-- Edited by Treasure Hunter on Wednesday 26th of January 2011 09:53:12 PM

Psionics Research Fellow

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Thanks for sharing those MP3s for brainwave entrainment Owltwelve. Very generous of you.biggrin

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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You are very welcome man, I am in the process of making more:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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Wyrm wrote:

All that happened was i was sitting in a lotus position and then i was listening intently to the audio. After about 30 minutes i pictured a storm gathering, wind and rain along with the clashing of lightning. I imagined it right outside my window while there was barely a cloud in the sky. Then after about 5 minutes the skies were all cloudy and it started to snow heavy. I am not that good at creating constructs, i can barely make a psi ball, but whatever i did it was pretty cool. I think it was to cold outside for it to rain and due to the lack of heat in the air prevented lightning? No idea really, but that's how i did it.


Actually it's entirely possible to get lightning during heavy snow it's very rare indeed but it's a phenomenon called thundersnow, ironically we had a fair bit of this where I stay this year where I stay across most of the north of the country r before last there was only one recorded incident further south.

Perhaps you could imagine freezing lightning or something along those lines next time i've never even practised this type of thing before however but it obviously works based on belief and intent. Perhaps because you believed it wasn't possible for there to be lighting too.

Thanks for the MP3's by the way, i'm so sick of the crappy binurals out there which are just the binural tone itself. These are also wonderful for aiding visualisation which I have been struggling with for a few years, especially the thunderstorm one so thankyou very muchbiggrin

-- Edited by Fozzy on Thursday 27th of January 2011 10:36:59 PM

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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You are very welcome, I am currently making some new MP3s as well:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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owltwelve wrote:

You are very welcome, I am currently making some new MP3s as well:)

Cant wait to see them, also I dont suppose you can make any to help with Astral Projection, that's something else i'd love to work on.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yes, I sure can make an astral projection specific one, though Atmospheric Density & Shamanic Wind have both lead me to go out of body already. If you you are not sleepy when you star Atmospheric Density for instance, and you completely relax your body allowing it to fall asleep as you listen. You can easily find yourself swaying in & out of the body, & finally get out. In any case, I will still make one with some subliminal verbal affirmations, which may help you into a lucid dream or OBE even if you should fall asleep:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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owltwelve wrote:

Yes, I sure can make an astral projection specific one, though Atmospheric Density & Shamanic Wind have both lead me to go out of body already. If you you are not sleepy when you star Atmospheric Density for instance, and you completely relax your body allowing it to fall asleep as you listen. You can easily find yourself swaying in & out of the body, & finally get out. In any case, I will still make one with some subliminal verbal affirmations, which may help you into a lucid dream or OBE even if you should fall asleep:)

Great, I havent been left alone for long enough to listen to them in full length yet so poerhaps once I get another pair of headphones for my mobile I will put them on just as I go to bed or early in the morning. Either way these are great to help you focus your mind so I can't wait for the others.

Anyone else whos not sure about downloading them you simply must, they're worth the 30-60 min wait depending on your connection, if you struggle try using a download manager though be careful where you get these from.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I was listening to the first lecture in the MIT psych 101 lectures and the professor discusses waking state as a state where different signals are hapening all over the brain where as in sleep you get a very slow uniform wave.

Perhaps we need this slow wave to reorganize all the cells like a reboot button. This (Theta?) wave entrain the brain as a whole to bring it back to a state of wholeness rest. In this state the power of creativity and visualization is amplified in dream states.

The way the professor talks about the various waves moving through the brain during wake state really gave me a good visualization.

I also noticed that pk state feels very connected very uniform. hmm

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I already left this on your profile but If you have the money for one, something like NeuroSky or Xwave might be useful in your experiments to monitor the way your brainwaves react to different stimuli and during PSI practice.

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