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TOPIC: Brainwave Entrainment

Psionics Research Fellow

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RE: Brainwave Entrainment

I absolutely agree with you Shirak. I feel I have found the correct general (very generalsmile) frequency for PK, but it just needs tweaking a bit here & there to achieve crystal clear clarity, just like a finding a frequency on a radio, it takes patience & extreme sensitivity until you hit it spot on & get the clear signal.

I've had & experimented with so many theories in the past, but this time I feel I'm walking down the right path with my eyes open, and not blindfolded, like usual. Time will tell. I could be totally wrong.biggrin

Peace, love & respect.

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Chris I really find that present moment awareness whilst sitting in a natural setting helps the body to attune to its own natural frequencies. I have also noticed a peace sensation that can be difficault to match whilst inside.

Once in this state I feel a sort of communication with the elements an appreciation which works for me on an instinctual and telepathic level. I can effect via intention or initiate a response.

Sitting now at a desk with a ping pong ball in front of me I try and imaging a way to illicite such a connection to the forces which could allow me to instigate or trigger a kinetic catalyste.

Yes there is a difference indoors ot outdoors. Outdoors for me there is an excitement a more real quality more sensations perhaps stimulus. Does this connect to my higher self in more ways?

Staring at this little yellow round ball my visualizations encase it my constructs of intention envelope its image that is displayedi n my mind but makeing those vissualisations real, real in the sense that they begin to affect the electrons and mass contained arround this little yellow ball.

Work and all its distractions afford me only moments of attention in which to enact this attention. Like a roar of water on a water fall the intensity of my intention builds to be shattered by a work based distraction. Ah passive training... Ah you little yellow round still object.

How do I build the necessary energy to geist blast you I will continue I must master this. It is more than desire sometimes I think the focus is just as important but then how to explain the raw power of the Geist!

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Psionics Research Fellow

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Ha ha, Shirak, you really do make me laugh sometimes. "Geist blast" ...that's a great one! Yes, "damn you little plastic ball! move!" ha ha. I can empathize with you completely.

You know, there seems to be 2 extremes, and one of them must be correct, but I don't know which. For example, I'll settle my mind until it's extremely peaceful, then I'll try & increase the sensitivity & depth of peace even further, in the hopes that I may connect with the Force and make the ball move. Other times, I'll do the opposite and start building energy in my mind until there is extreme chaos & movement, in the hopes that this volatile mix of emotions will trigger a kinetic response from the ball. There is also the issue of whether to place the energy in the locality of the ball, or keep it contained within my mind. Both approaches have produced zero results so far. But I have to keep trying both because I know one of them is correct. My heart tells me it's the peaceful way, you know, becoming still.

Okay I'll take your advice and when I have the opportunity, I'll take rest under some trees in a park & meditate. I never get a chance to commune with nature these days, and there's no garden because I live in an apartment building in the city. I have a deep yearning to be with nature.

Yes, it's more than desire. It must be a harmonious combination of desire/will power, focus (yet detached), and the correct state of mind (frequency), and let's not forget the all-important ingredient of BELIEF!

Oh, I purchased a stress ball to train with too. I can't move it yet, but I feel I can hook my mind into it much better than a ping pong ball because if its density.

I listened to Yoda today, and made a note of the important points about using The Force. It is only a matter of time now ........biggrinbiggrin

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha

Psionics Research Fellow

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Haven't listened to them myself, yet, but from the posts in this topic I can see you've done a pretty good job with them!

I know it's been a while since you last posted here, but I was wondering if you still take requests? 'Cause I have a few I might be interested in, and others probably too.
Something that helps with the induction of lucid dreams, perhaps? I've seen it mentioned before, so I know it's possible with binaural beats, I'm just not exactly sure. Maybe you could have it skip the dreamless sleep, and go right to the REM sleep?
I've also seen a set of binaural beats/isochronic tones for aura viewing on The Unexplainable Sotre, but I'm not willing to pay the 18 bucks or so for a binaural beat. The page mentioned it used the theta frequency, but I'm not sure about any details. If you want, could you try your hand at that, too?

Sorry if I'm asking for much. Feel free to reject as much as you want, I honestly won't mind (too much ;D). I find it really awesome you're doing this in the first place (my compliments for that, by the way~)


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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I'm actually making an entrainment album based on visualization; construct building, lucid dreaming, & astral projection. You may have to wait a while though, because I am working many hours lately.

The new ones will have hypnotic inductions. Also, I actually use isochronic tones rather than binaural beats, because I think they work better:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psionics Research Fellow

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Yeah, some sites I've found reported that isochronic tones /always/ work better, while others say it's just a matter of personal prefference. But no problem there, really.

And yeah, a construct building one would be pretty sweet, too. I'm definitly looking forward to your album!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence .

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey guys, while messing with the brainwave entrainment software, I have found that 4Hz exactly has been kind of a magic number. I have experienced enhanced OBE & PK performance, as well as what seems to be pineal gland growth, & general energy sensitivity. It's hard for me to be objective since my higher chakras are pretty wide open, so I would enjoy any feedback.

Here are a couple I use pretty frequently. As always don't use while driving or operating heavy machinary. You may get the most benefit from them when you are not already sleepy. You only need follow the sounds like a mantra, or object of PK focus:)

An updated Cloud Flaring MP3

Shamanic Drumming MP3

Right clicking will allow you to download; left clicking will take you to a streaming page. Be sure to listen with earphones:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psionics Research Fellow

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I'll be sure to test those out for you later on. Thanks!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence .

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Ace I didn't even realize you posted these thanks!

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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No problem, this software has been a very worthy investment. The Mp3s begin at the earths magnetic field resonance 7.84Hz, & ramp down to 4Hz within 4 minutes. I have found that constant listening especially during the morning or afternoon hours has really conditioned my pineal gland to be very active beyond what it was.

I'm testing a new MP3 now, which has both frequencies playing simultaneously. I will post a couple more by the weekend:):)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Here goes a new MP3, which I made to simulate what my biofield feels like. It's pretty close though there is not as much base as I normally feel. This one is pulsing at 4Hz as well:)

Field Waves

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Journalist

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I'm uploading the contents from the astral projection cd that was included in the book. I won't write the title of the book here because i'm concerned about breaking copy right laws lol. But I think it's safe to upload long enough to let you guys get the files for yourselves. I zipped the cd into one file. it comes with brainwaves that are titled for each week of the astral projection guide each with a specific purpose, affirmations to listen to to program your subconscious into developing thoughts which will help enable you to project, one for each week's morning and one for evening. The brainwave generator program is also included in the cd which i'm sure you guys will love experimenting with. There are also templates for making your own dream journal, as well as a couple sound files for sleep programming. There's also a readme file for instructions on how to use the cd's contents.

"True focus lies between rage and serenity."

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Thanks Tranceffect257:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I also posted this in the journal comments section, but this is a raw 4Hz binaural tone. Most people seem to have trouble tolerating it straight like this, but I have found it to be the closest sound vibration to my own biofield so far.

As always don't drive or operate heavy machinery while listening. Use earphones or you won't be getting the 4Hz frequency. Try to listen when you are not sleeping for best effects. Listening daily will condition & entrain your mind better than if you listen sporadically.

Left clicking streams it, while right clicking let's you download it:)

-- Edited by owltwelve on Tuesday 24th of May 2011 02:55:09 AM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Most people find raw binaurals hard to listen to without extraneous sound effects, but I actually have found that this works better for me. Just sit still with earphones & concentrate on what you hear. As always don't drive or operate heavy machinery while listening. Left clicking streams it, while right clicking let's you download it:)

Schumann Resonance Raw

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Owltwelve , I have listened to the Pk drumming one several times, a few times I fell asleep, and sometimes i have been close to sleeping but still aware, in this state I then feel my whole body pulsing, and I am pretty sure its not my heartbeat, any ideas, every time I finish listening, I do feel in some kind of altered state.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I have ideas, but I don't wan't to ruin it for you by giving you too many expectations.

Feeling your body pulse is really good progress, & you are right about it not being your heartbeat! I would say keep listening consistently, & as best you can don't fall asleep. If you should experience buzzing, strange noises, or fuzzy body awareness; it's normal. Consistency is key, just listen everyday, & see what happens after a few weeks:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Journalist

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that "straight" file was.. o_o odd.. but somehow.. i felt comfortable with it.. though it got no sounds lolz except tht sound like silence o_O which im comfortable with.. helped me focus on studying for a while :) though its a bit xD powerful to the brain at first.. o_O almost felt it smash my brain like a hammer lol.. Again thanks owly :P

"Know that ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high" ~ Psalms 82:6"The kingdom of heaven is within you" ~ Jesus

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Sounds exciting,  I did percieve the pulsing again today, very briefly, I had lunch and was kind of drifting off to sleep when I felt the pulse very subtle, I tried to concentrate on it but then this kind of brought me back into full awareness and I lost the sensation.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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That loss is natural too. I have found that with many new psi sensations the initial shock or excitement which comes during awareness of an experience, will often take me out of the experience. This has cause many broken OBEs, as well as PK stuttering. When you get to the point that the phenomena are almost routine & boring, you will have much better control & be able to do more things:)

I'm almost finished testing the 1st part of the Lucid Dreaming/OBE album. The 1st part will focus on sleep induced OBEs & Lucid Dream skill development. It's a few hours long so I will have to delete some of the earlier MP3s from my Dropbox in order to fit it. If anyone still wants some of the early files; I will leave them up til Tuesday:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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