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Dedicated PK researcher

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Hi sorry about preveious thread!! I at a loss! anyway here it is again!! There is something very importantant I neglected to mention in my last post! ENERGY CULTIVATION!....which Im sure the more experienced users are already aware of!...if we want to have more effect in our PK, we must increase our energy!  (Prana),(chi), (manna), (life force), (Kundalini),These are all sub atomic energy forms!.. that all resond to human intention & thought!... We do gain a very small amount when we sleep!...But really thier is only one way to increase your energy!!.....and that is yep you guessed it!..MEDITATION!....but not just any old meditation!.. to raise our energy, we have to know thats what were doing in our sessions!...( WHERE ATTENTION GOES ENERGY FLOWS) This meditation works!'s how yogi's and masters for thousands of years have become awakened!... so be sure if you under take it every day!... that your ready for the change it will bring!!remember! before we can climb the vibrational ladder, s**t may need to be cleared  from within youself!!...often unpleasant! but nessersary!.. so then here it is!... We prepare as in normal meditation,relax & so on!!Then we bring our attention & focus to our root chakra!... which is located at base of the tail bone!....then you need to imagine a ball of brilliant RED light! at this point of focus! really feel the ball as it swirls round! feel the red light!see in your minds eye!!... nothing else at this point should be thought about or done!!... just hold your attention at your root chakra!...after doing this for,.... try 10 mins at first ! you should start to feel it tingle or vibration at your tail bone!.. this is normal!... and as your do it more & more the vibrations will increase! This really helps focus in on it!!... but it tricky at the very beginning!! after about 2 weeks you will think nothing of it!! my chakra now starts vibrating even before i begin to meditate often times lol! (like a spidey sense) !lol!...WARNING......This is very important! doing This meditation every day! WILL awaken your kundalini! and this in it's self can be danerous if not done with pure heart.. if we are in a bad mood or not feeling very good! we must NEVER do this meditation!... in that frame of mind!...  as you prob know the sub concious mind becomes  super suggestive! and how ever we are feeling is the energy that will be enhanced!! so make sure your feeling good when doing it!! I personaly sometimes  listen  to hard house or trance! to get to that feeling good place! in headphones loud!....  this does it for me!! lol!  for more information on energy cultivation, the is a very good web site called spookly  ENERGY CULTIVATION.COM!!   this goes in to more detail & also gives this meditation! and form movements!...for sensativity training!! to build your energy to very high levels!! all the best with your cultivating!


-- Edited by sy on Monday 11th of April 2011 01:23:47 AM

Whether you think you can,  or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yes Sy I have totally noticed that sleep seems to recharge the ol energy batteries metaphorically speaking. I also notice that when half asleep putting feet flat on the floor seems to help shoot me into wide awake state. This leads me to believe the feet have points directly related to consciousness. I think there is is really good thread here on energy cultivation hmm Ill try and find the link,

Thanks for sharing this Im glad you joined the forum :)

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


Dedicated PK researcher

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Posts: 101

 This is a glimse  of how high we can take our energy!

-- Edited by sy on Wednesday 26th of January 2011 07:57:52 AM

-- Edited by sy on Wednesday 26th of January 2011 12:10:23 PM

Whether you think you can,  or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4350

There is a multi-discipline energy cultivation thread in the specializations section; enjoy:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Dedicated PK researcher

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Posts: 101

hi owltwelve nice info yeah!thx  thought you all prob knew! the fundamentals! but had to just go over in case! glad we all reading from same song sheet!!....... smile.gif

-- Edited by sy on Monday 16th of May 2011 09:58:34 PM

Whether you think you can,  or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 91

Thanks Sy. I'm just starting to get into chakra work, and your descriptions of how to go about activating the root chakra are really helpful to me. Do you feel the red light/energy swirling clockwise or anti-clockwise? or does it not matter?

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha

Dedicated PK researcher

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Posts: 101

Here's a brief film about chakra work! and what exactly is it all about!

Whether you think you can,  or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!


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Did someone just say theyve moved cars??? please elaborate!!

If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Your hope of subdueing him is false! The mere sight of him is overpowering! - The Legendary Leviathan

Dedicated PK researcher

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Posts: 101

Leviathan  hello!thanks for your interest!yeah! chi is a funny thing! it doesn't work along preconcieved idea's really at all! big objects e.g cars without the hand brake on!  no more harder to push with TK than a marble on the kitchen table! personally speaking of course! I also have found TK can influence just about anything in the known cosmos! e.g clouds are cool! as is smoke & the wind can even be played with! truly endless! tx sy

Whether you think you can,  or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 91

Sy, may I ask you something? Is it possible you can make a short video for Youtube showing a couple of ping pong balls on a table/surface with just your hands close by (visible in the video), so we can see you manipulating the energy to make the balls move. Just a 1 - 2 minute video would be great.

The reason I ask this is because I am training with ping pong balls & I'm ever so slowly starting to feel (and understand) the energy when they move. I can't get them to move from a stationary position yet, so I think it would be so helpful to see you doing it with your hands in the frame, making the balls move around. I need to observe someone more advanced than me so I can understand better.

I would really appreciate this :)

Thanks ^__^

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha

Dedicated PK researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 101

Hi Chris my advice is this! when you first begin! spin the ball manually with your fingers only slowly!... before trying to move the ball  from standing start!... some might say this is cheating,... but we wouldn't  try to run before we could walk!... theres plenty of time to go back and practice your standing start when you have a feel for the energy!!... when the ball is spinning its very easy to effect it as there is almost no surface drag because the ball is in motion!... it is incredibly hard to get going from standing start! it takes me a good while to get in zone to be able to do this!... anyone who is genuinely interested, will see for themselves what effect their energy has on the ball!& will know beyond doubt, what is natural spinning of the ball,  and what is chi energy's effect upon it!........experimentation with push & pull using your hands  is the key with this exercise.......hope this

Whether you think you can,  or wether you think you cant,!......either way youre right!

Psionics Research Fellow

Status: Offline
Posts: 91

Okay, thanks Sy.

"It is your mind that creates this world." - The Buddha

Psychokinetic Researcher

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One can release muscle tension for increasingly longer periods of time.

I can refine myself.

Psychokinetic Researcher

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I can refine myself.

Psychokinetic Researcher

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"Wherefore the Sage does not allow the Human to disorder his Heaven [-implanted nature], nor does he allow desire to disturb his natural feelings. He p. 81 acts exactly as he ought, without considering what he shall do beforehand; he is trustworthy, without promising; he obtains what he wants, without anxiety; he brings his designs to completion without doing anything himself. His Spiritual Palace,or mindbeing filled with pure sincerity, he governs men in company with the Creator."

a quote from the "Hung Lieh Chuan"

I can refine myself.

Dedicated PK researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 118

Hi sy,

I have been using energy gathering movements, chakra crystal bowls music and energy push and pull exercises such as psi balls and uplift movements.

I do 6 days a week of one day of set 1 and the day after set 2 and so on with the routine.

Set 1: 20 reps of each of the 7 most powerful energy gathering that suits me best, then I listen to all 7 tracks of chakra crystal bowls whilst doing one movement at each time whilst the tracks are playing e.g 10 minutes on each exercise set to that certain track if you get me.

Set 2: 25 reps of each energy movements ( 7 moves ) then do 1 hour of mixed energy push and pull effects exercises with sometimes 5-10 reps of each movement after say every 10 minutes of energy push and pull.

Most of my exercises last a full 1hr and 30mins maybe 2hrs sometimes depending on how slow or fast I feel to do the movements.

I done this all last week and it has had a side effect of seeing meridians light up and I tell you theirs far more than what is documented and logged as my body seems to light up with a white star type light with blue tint, this is not my aura as I am seeing my aura as well and is very beautiful but not looking like what you see in the pics and videos it looks more like a sort of ghostly bright coloured ripple flame or looks similar to if you have an oil in water and that sort of cloudy to it. and to top that I have seen only a few times my ghost or soul, I know this is that because it looks like an apparition on me following my arms as I move them.
this happened at day one with the meridians but only looking past them not directly at them, day 3 with aura and ghost with the same not looking at just past my arms then at day 5 I can look direct and see it but very faint :) but greatly when looking past.

I suggest that you have palms facing down when moving the arms up if you want to gain this vision but for gathering face palms up. this was found by mistake and I just wish to share this as I feel this is effective on learning greater energy works

Dedicated PK researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 118

oh almost forgot I do not use any still meditation as I feel it is not at use with tk or anything I am currently working on.

I use seeing the energy as my meditation as I do movement or use deep, slow, calm breathing as my guide

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