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TOPIC: how powerful can we get

Psionics Journalist

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how powerful can we get

alright so i have seen many videos of different people trying out their powers in public. most, no all of them are just simply basic, such as someone struggling to or easily moving a dice. well thatas a bit useless to honest. how powerful can we get? can we like start creating big camping firs anywhere easily just by using pyrokinesis? that would mean that our pyrokinises has reached a point where it can be used in combat as well as MANY other ways to be used. honestly if we cant hav really great powers like in the example above, i think its useless to hav powers in the first place. wasting 100s of hours training for what? to flick a page without toching it? do you guys know of anyone that is soo powerful they can like kill someone within seconds just by using their powers? i would love to know if thats possbile. and if its possible how long does it take? a lifetime? im 16 but if it takes me to get to 80 to jump on my house fro mthe ground then i guess its kind of useless. when i will be 80 i will probably wont be able to do sudden moves because my bones will brake. no offence to all those that have tried hard out there but do you think we can achive higher lvls or powers?(sorry for bad spelling)

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p


International Psionics Journalist

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It does take time to get that far, if you want it instantly, you won't get it, at least not without some intervention.

As for fire, this of course leapt into mind.

As far as being 80 and unable, that depends on a lot of things.  But it doesn't necessarily mean more fagile.

The only limit you truly have, is when you choose to stop trying.

The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.

Triumph is not achieved through victory,
but through the Attempt.

Believing will take you there, and
Faith will bring you home.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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The power potential is as unlimited as the cosmos, but it can be dangerous. Immature minds tend to destroy themselves & harm others. Most powerful yogis could care less about mind powers.

If you want mind powers; develop skill with concentration. If you want a lot of power fast; practice tantra as well. It takes time relative to ones commitment & discipline, though not as much as you might think.

If you want my wisdom; develop a quiet, compassionate heart 1st; clear the clutter in your soul before becoming powerful. Superpowers, magnify all the good & bad within you:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Water in containers seemed quickly responsive like wind has.

Took me about a week of sincere attempts to 1st control pk wheel.

Took me 2+ months to 1st roll a stress ball. Minutes after I did it again.

Rolling stress ball and moving any kind of paper's been consistent through about a year. Pens and straws were consistently spun if seated on curves. Last month tipped an action figure after multiple attempts.

At every new success "see it happen" was the only focus.

Fact vs fiction becomes effectively irrelevant.

Push. Pull. Neutral.

Memory. Trust. A naming.

Impossible is impossible.

I can refine myself.

Psionics Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 390

yes i understand that i have to work really hard. im am aware of that but i was thinking maybe if i can do something like in this video: more like whats done at 0:20 or maybe like in this video 0:21 for this one, or maybe somethingm ore realistic: - 0:45. so for this one do you guys think its possible to make a visible ball like that(fully 100% visible) or as strong as it is supposed to be( in the cartoons it self its like the strentgh of a grenade)

-- Edited by andreidionisie on Monday 17th of December 2012 07:14:41 PM

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p

Psionics Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 390

ps: i forget to say, do you think it is possible to achive high speed or 100times more powerful punches and staff. so no magical staff like fireballs or levitation things around you, but rather to kind of gather energy into your hands and when you punch you hit 1k times more powerful or gather energy in your legs muscle and achive very high speeds and flexibility? something like this:
sorry if u dont like manga, i dont watch it either just thouhgt it may help me explain better

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p


International Psionics Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 564

I like Naruto as well. And yes, it's probably possible to reach much greater forms for speed and strength, as well as other things.

The lightest touch leaves the deepest impression.

Triumph is not achieved through victory,
but through the Attempt.

Believing will take you there, and
Faith will bring you home.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Sure you can but why?

I suggest to analyze the urge .. why and where does it come from. How does it help you to achieve your mission in this life .. and so on.

It's easier to keep your practices regular once there's a solid reason supporting it.

Also, to me it seems important to observe and maintain the attitude towards everything. By attitude I mean the way you feel about the snow while walking on it, the way you feel about yourself from the perspective of the snow, the way you talk, the way you think, the way you feel before giving birth to a thought, etc. With a balanced attitude, progress seems to speed up a lot.

I like to think that pk will be a matter of minutes once all the mind blocks have been resolved.

The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Awesome, thank you all!

You helped me realize something really important, albeit simple and obvious.

-- Edited by Sussch on Tuesday 18th of December 2012 08:21:37 PM

The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

Psionics Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 390

i didnt quite get wat he meant in the article

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Posts: 147

The only real way to attain Superpowers is to first attain God. All other ways are either slow or self-destructive.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall come unto you"

When you are in the state of Samadhi you become the Massive energy which is Creation, you become God. With this state you can then choose to develop whatever powers you wish. I have experienced this state twice now in 4 days and am getting much better at going into it.

In the coming weeks and months I will keep you posted on what is Truly possible through the power of Union with God.

I will be updating my thread " " as I progress further.

Feel free to add me on Skype my username is jp12313 if you have any questions.

Vijaya the Gatekeeper of Vishnu

I and my Father are One.

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Posts: 129

Dude, there are clear differences in doctrine between the schools who project tantra and the biblical paradigm of what you called God.

Ultimately these words really do mean nothing.

"Jesus Christ" (Yeshua/Yehoshua/Joshua/Jesus Christ) never used the words "Jesus" or "Christ" when the 1st biblical texts were written. Moses nor Elijah ever used the words "God" or "Lord".

I did hope you realize no practical clarity is being shown in these attempts at instructing people by saying one needs to "attain God". You previously said everyone already is God anyway. So the word God can respectfully be seen for what it seems to be.

Useless, with no practicallity in and of itself.

Describe your/the process and you'd actually have some applicable meaning to these claims.

Speak from personal experience like pewep or alar or ijodix or nox and that would be self evident.

Ultimately yes, if there is a prime source/creator than all creation is made from it.

It's an assumption to believe all creation has access to it's limitless capacity directly without actually experiencing that first but I don't deny this as being possible.

But that philosophical understanding doesn't obey the commandments Jesus Christ is attributed to have given in the book you yourself have quoted.

"If you love me you will obey my commandments."

"Not all who say to me 'Lord', 'Lord' will enter the kingdom or heaven. But only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

Those are in that same book you quote. It's hypocrisy to ignore them.

I know how to progress in pk on any perception and I know what works faster for me only because I've done it a lot and seem to increase in ability when I have less desires/feel more fullfilled.

Still do as you will. Really I'm not angryaww. I disagree with lots on this forum lolaww. But to me it only seems useful and kind to be clear about things.

Really, have a good oneaww.

I can refine myself.

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Posts: 147

Torig, thank you for the reply I appreciate it.

 First of all is to do with any "scriptures"; these are meant to be guidelines on how to realize the Self. The bible was originally meant to do this to a degree but with human influence over the years many important things were altered or removed completely.

 I quoted Jesus because I felt the quote put across what I wanted to express. I do not wish to argue about the bible and its contents.

God, Consciousness, Creation, The Self, The Universe etc all mean the same thing. They are but names the mind has conjured up. I use the name God because I prefer it.

 On how to attain Samadhi I CAN explain because I HAVE experienced it. I do not like to preach what I have not experienced. So here are some general steps on how to achive samadhi (Enlightenment, Christ Consciousness, Realization, Union with God, etc).

 Step 1. Find a God realized being to teach you. Like a candle lighting another candle the being will reveal the Truth to you. Note: It is possible to achieve realization without a "Guru" but it is difficult.

 Step 2. Recieve from your Guru a Mantra to recite or if you do not have a Guru choose one yourself.

 Recite the Mantra 108 times morning and evening without fail during meditation. The mind becomes absorbed in the mantra and begins to shut down allowing the Self to be seen and Realization to occur.

 Step 3. Study Legitimate scriptures translated by God Realized being's.

Vasisthas Yoga translated by Swami Venkatesananda is truly the only scripture you will ever need.

 This studying of Vasisthas Yoga will help the mind realize its true nature as a drop in the ocean of Self.

Step 4. Meditate and help others; pray to God unseasingly throughout the day.

 I guarantee in time you will experience Self Realization.

"It's an assumption to believe all creation has access to it's limitless capacity directly without actually experiencing that first but I don't deny this as being possible."

 I am glad to be able to say I have experienced it and Do speak from experience. I will now describe this state to the best of my ability. 

 Everything is the one source; there is no difference in anything because nothing was ever created.

 During my meditation the other night my mind got really quiet and I began to "feel" these strange shapes. (I grew up "feeling" and "seeing" these shapes even before I started on this path.) These Shapes began to grow very strong and I got lost in them. My mind then began to lose track of my body; my body felt very large and unproportioned. During this a very strong energy became apparent as my body and around me. It is an extremely powerful force. It is like a psi ball but on a scale the psi ball would be a 1 and this would be a hundred. The amount of energy was so huge my mind got lost in it. After an amount of time (I dont know how long) my mind began to chatter wondering how it could go deeper. While it was chattering the energy was still there but a little weaker. I then gradually came out of it and called my Guru.

 You can clearly see there that because the mind was quieted I was able to percieve reality as it truly is on some level; this level happened to be the creative energy. (God)

 Now this is not the complete state. To go further into that state brings about the following. (I speak from my own experience)

 I can best describe it as being absolutely conscious of everything. The entire creation is your consciousness from all angles and from all sides, inside and out. There is nothing you are not or was. You become the All as the One. To the mind while still partially active I can describe it like my body was struck by lightning and I am intensily aware of Every cell in my body; my consciousness operates from every cell.

 It is difficult to describe because the mind cannot comprehend the infinite.

 To do with "Power", this state is Absolute power. It is the energy that holds all of creation together. When you can go into Samadhi you can gain the abilites to alter this reality like a child with Play Doh. You can choose to leave this life and create your own world if you choose as well(You will appear to die to everybody else). You cannot change this reality too much though. For example:

9 And there sat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep sleep: and as Paul was long preaching, he sunk down with sleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.10 And Paul went down, and fell on him, and embracing him said, Trouble not yourselves; for his life is in him.

At this point I had to embrace and turn away from those around me as they were projecting their idea of reality. By doing this I partially cut out their projection and was more able to revive the man.It would have been more difficult to do it from the loft as their idea of reality would go against the ressurection even more, making it more difficult to do. If I were to go too far in this resurrection the reality could have been torn. This is a very intense subject and something I do not wish to cover now.

11 When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till break of day, so he departed.12 And they brought the young man alive, and were not a little comforted.

 The school of Tantra leads you to This and what I am doing leads you to This (Though I practice tantra as well). Every true religion is meant to lead you to This. How can we argue over this or that when all paths lead to the same destination?

 I do apologize though if I dismissed your beliefs; it is a habit I have to correct. You see I was pretty stubborn before; read the New Testament and you'll understand.

Vijaya the Gatekeeper of Vishnu

I and my Father are One.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4350

You can reach samadhi, through concentration practices. It's not complicated at all; it's just that people today lack discipline, & would rather spend all their time yapping or soliciting followers, to actually training. Samadhi, is just the beginning of cultivation; there are many levels to it & associated attainments.

What is value in arguing over belief systems or subjective experience:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I believe in the State Samadhi. I believe I have attained it or at least touched it several times in my life only to phase shift back to normal state. Most modern psions cannot spend the whole day in meditation so must live in the real world and integrate training to their daily activities. No psion that I have ever conversed with has ever stated that their training and meditation was a "waste of time" knowing true potential is never a waste.

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Having said that perhaps my opinion of Samadhi is different to others but that's cool whatever works :0

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Posts: 147

Shirak I would like to say something.

If somebody thinks that they may have achieved or experienced it before then they more than likely have not. You see it is a completely mind blowing experience and something which cannot be explained. The best way I can describe it is that in the state you feel truly alive in a state of completely conscious ecstasy. You are not anymore confined to the body but realize All of Creation as your body with consciousness not only centered in your head but in every single bit.

Trust me, you'll know if you achieve it :)

I will quote Yogananda here on the state or at least a partial view of it :)

 " "Poor boy, the mountains couldn't give what you wanted." Master spoke caressively, comfortingly. His calm gaze was unfathomable. "Your heart's desire shall be fulfilled."

Sri Yukteswar seldom indulged in riddles; I was bewildered. He struck gently on my chest above the heart.

My body became immovably rooted; breath was drawn out of my lungs as if by some huge magnet. Soul and mind instantly lost their physical bondage, and streamed out like a fluid piercing light from my every pore. The flesh was as though dead, yet in my intense awareness I knew that never before had I been fully alive. My sense of identity was no longer narrowly confined to a body, but embraced the circumambient atoms. People on distant streets seemed to be moving gently over my own remote periphery. The roots of plants and trees appeared through a dim transparency of the soil; I discerned the inward flow of their sap.

The whole vicinity lay bare before me. My ordinary frontal vision was now changed to a vast spherical sight, simultaneously all-perceptive. Through the back of my head I saw men strolling far down Rai Ghat Road, and noticed also a white cow who was leisurely approaching. When she reached the space in front of the open ashram gate, I observed her with my two physical eyes. As she passed by, behind the brick wall, I saw her clearly still.

All objects within my panoramic gaze trembled and vibrated like quick motion pictures. My body, Master's, the pillared courtyard, the furniture and floor, the trees and sunshine, occasionally became violently agitated, until all melted into a luminescent sea; even as sugar crystals, thrown into a glass of water, dissolve after being shaken. The unifying light alternated with materializations of form, the metamorphoses revealing the law of cause and effect in creation.

An oceanic joy broke upon calm endless shores of my soul. The Spirit of God, I realized, is exhaustless Bliss; His body is countless tissues of light. A swelling glory within me began to envelop towns, continents, the earth, solar and stellar systems, tenuous nebulae, and floating universes. The entire cosmos, gently luminous, like a city seen afar at night, glimmered within the infinitude of my being. The sharply etched global outlines faded somewhat at the farthest edges; there I could see a mellow radiance, ever-undiminished. It was indescribably subtle; the planetary pictures were formed of a grosser light.

The divine dispersion of rays poured from an Eternal Source, blazing into galaxies, transfigured with ineffable auras. Again and again I saw the creative beams condense into constellations, then resolve into sheets of transparent flame. By rhythmic reversion, sextillion worlds passed into diaphanous luster; fire became firmament.

I cognized the center of the empyrean as a point of intuitive perception in my heart. Irradiating splendor issued from my nucleus to every part of the universal structure. Blissful amrita, the nectar of immortality, pulsed through me with a quicksilverlike fluidity. The creative voice of God I heard resounding as Aum, 1

the vibration of the Cosmic Motor.

Suddenly the breath returned to my lungs. With a disappointment almost unbearable, I realized that my infinite immensity was lost. Once more I was limited to the humiliating cage of a body, not easily accommodative to the Spirit. Like a prodigal child, I had run away from my macrocosmic home and imprisoned myself in a narrow microcosm."

-- Edited by Joshua3109 on Sunday 23rd of December 2012 10:24:56 PM

Vijaya the Gatekeeper of Vishnu

I and my Father are One.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 4350

Having experienced both; I would say that an OBE & samadhi, are not the same. Though, an OBE along with other mind powers can arise as a side effect of concentration practice, relative to the merit of the meditator. When I talk about stages of Samadhi, what I am talking about are the Jhana/Dhyana factors which follow after development of Access Concentration.


A meditative state of absorption, which is naturally occuring, requires training achieve intentionally. The first four Rupa Jhana/Samprajnata Samadhi, are the jhana of form. The last four Arupa Jhana/Asamprajnata, are the formless Jhana.

Access Concentration (Upacara Samadhi):

Access Concentration and Absorption Concentration are developed on the path to jhana by fixing the mind one-pointedly on a single meditation object. Such meditations include visualization of fixed forms or colors, or concentrating the mind on one particular feeling like loving-kindness. When Access and Absorption Concentration are developed, bliss and tranquillity arise. The meditator becomes fully absorbed in the object and no hindrances can disturb him. This provisional eradication of defilementsa state free from desire, aversion and confusion lasts only as long as the meditator keeps the mind on the meditation object. As soon as the mind leaves its absorption in the object, bliss disappears and the mind is again beset by the flow of defilements. There is additionally a danger of this fixed concentration. Since it does not generate wisdom it can lead to clinging to bliss or even misuse of the powers of concentration, thereby actually increasing defilements.

The difference between Access Concentration and Absorption Concentration is not in the absence of the hindrances, which is common to both, but in the relative strength of the jhana factors. In Access Concetration the factors are weak so the concentration is fragile. In Absorption Concetration the jhana factors are strong and well developed so that the mind can remain continuously in concentration .

First Jhana:

Once Access Concentration has been established and the first and second factors, vitakka and vicara are in place, you now induce the third factor of the First Jhana. This third factor is called Piti and is variously translated as delight, euphoria, rapture and ecstasy. By shifting your attention from the meditation subject to a pleasant sensation, particularly a pleasant physical sensation, and doing nothing more than not becoming distracted from the pleasant sensation, you will "automatically" enter the First Jhana. The experience is that the pleasant sensation grows in intensity until it explodes into an unmistakable state of ecstasy. This is Piti, which is primarily a physical experience. Physical pleasure this intense is accompanied by emotional pleasure, and this emotional pleasure is Sukkha (joy) which is the fourth factor of the First Jhana. The fifth and last factor of the first Jhana is Ekaggata (one-pointedness of mind). Like Sukha, this factor arises without you doing anything, and as long as you remain totally focused on the physical and emotional pleasure, you will remain in the first Jhana.

Second Jhana:

The second Jhana has three factors which are the same as the last three factors of the First Jhana. The initial and sustained attention to the meditation subject are no longer part of the process. You shift from the first to the Second Jhana by shifting your attention from the physical pleasure to the emotional pleasure -- from the Piti to the Sukkha. This has the effect of pushing the physical pleasure into the background and also of greatly calming the mind. The First Jhana is a very intense, agitated state, the Second Jhana is much more soothing. The last factor of the Second Jhana is once again one-pointedness of mind, as it is for all the Jhanas.

Third Jhana:

The Third Jhana has two factors. You shift from the second to the third by letting go of the physical pleasure and changing the emotional pleasure from joy to contentment, almost like turning down the volume control on your emotional pleasure. The Second Jhana has an upwelling quality to it as the joy seems to flow through you; the Third Jhana is much more of a motionless, quiet contentment. The one-pointedness of mind remains as the other factor.

Fourth Jhana:

The transition to the Fourth Jhana from the third takes a bit more effort and bit more letting go than any of the previous transitions. The contentment of the Third Jhana is still a positive state of mind. This contentment is refined into a very equanimous, quiet, stillness. There is no positive or negative feeling in either mind or body. There is just an all pervading, deep peacefulness, with of course, one-pointedness.

The first four Jhanas are called the Fine Material Jhanas. Intense pleasure, joy, contentment and stillness are all states we are familiar with in our normal, everyday lives. But the quality and intensity of these factors as experienced in the Jhanas is more sublime than we normally experience, thus they are called the Fine Material Jhanas. The next four Jhanas are called the Immaterial Jhanas because they are not like anything we normally experience. Each of these Jhanas has two factors -- the first factor serves as the name of the Jhana, the second factor is one-pointedness.

Fifth Jhana:

The Fifth Jhana is called "The Sphere of Infinite Space." Please remember that these are just names for experiences the likes of which we are not familiar with. It just feels like infinite space -- it doesn't necessarily mean we are able to experience all the space in the universe. According to the sutras, you enter the Fifth Jhana by "not giving attention to diversity". This isn't much detail, but then there is very little "how to" detail about any of the Jhanas. Many people enter the Fifth Jhana by shifting their attention from the primary factor of the previous Jhana to the boundaries of their being. They then start to mentally push these boundaries outward. If you can continue to focus on imagining your boundaries growing ever larger so that you fill the room, the building, the neighborhood, the city, etc., you will eventually experience a sudden shift and find your self in a huge expanse of empty space. The first time entry into "The Base of Infinite Space" is often quite dramatic. You seem to be observing an incredibly large, empty expanse of space. It can feel like walking up to the edge of the Grand Canyon and looking over, but there is no other side and no bottom.

Sixth Jhana:

The Sixth Jhana is called "The Sphere of Infinite Consciousness." It has been mistaken for achieving oneness with all consciousness. It can be entered from the Fifth Jhana by realizing that in order to "gaze" at an infinite spaceousness, you must have an infinite consciousness, and then shifting your attention to that consciousness. This is a fairly subtle shift, but like the transition from each of the Jhanas to the next higher Jhana, there is an increase in concentration.

Seventh Jhana:

The Seventh Jhana is called "The Sphere of No-thingness." It can be entered from the Sixth Jhana by shifting your attention from the infinite consciousness to the content of that consciousness. It is not surprising that the content of infinite consciousness is empty since that infinite consciousness was entered from infinite space which has no perception of diversity.

Eighth Jhana:

The Eighth Jhana is called "The Sphere of Neither Perception nor Non-perception". It is quite difficult to discuss because there is very little to discuss. Perception is a translation of the word Sanna which refers to the categorizing, naming function of the mind. Hence in this state there is very little recognition of what's happening, yet one is also not totally unaware of what's happening. It is a very peaceful, restful state and has the ability to recharge a tired mind. It is entered from the Seventh Jhana by letting go of all the outward, infinite expanse and coming to rest in what seems to be a very natural calm quiet place. The mind seems to know a lot more about how to find this space than can be verbalized.

-- Edited by owltwelve on Monday 24th of December 2012 10:09:10 AM

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 2041

@ Joshua3109 : That's a great story, thank you for this.

Though, I also like to think that it's not dualistic, that is, no borders between Samadhi and non-samadhi. I guess it's usually differentated by intensity. However, since there's no way to measure this intensity empirically, how could one tell what's what?

One can experience an OBE and not even know it's called an OBE. After googling, one may learn how others have called similar experiences, not how they should call it. So, chances are, he'll call his experiences (different but shares some similarities) the same way.

There seem to be a lot of similarities between OBE and Samadhi. Perhaps the moment of realization might be what's different, but it's also there for most of the OBEs. Or witnessing that intense light .. which can also be there during an OBE.

I don't think OBE is dualistic either. One can be in the body and not be in the body at the same time (consciousness spread over space and / or time). One can be chopping firewood, meditating and out of body at the same time. And I guess one could experience Samadhi while walking down the street.

Just an opinion, no offence intended.


The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.


International Psionics Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 564

I don't think OBE is dualistic either. One can be in the body and not be in the body at the same time (consciousness spread over space and / or time). One can be chopping firewood, meditating and out of body at the same time. And I guess one could experience Samadhi while walking down the street.

Now that's multitasking!

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Triumph is not achieved through victory,
but through the Attempt.

Believing will take you there, and
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