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TOPIC: Greetings People!


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Posts: 33
Greetings People!

Hiya!  Hows it goin y'all? I'm pretty new to this forum,  just started my account minutes ago!  Not new to Psionics though;  been doing psionics for three years now although I took a break and stopped for two years for a couple of personal reasons but I'm just starting to back into it again andd this time it'll be a stay for me!well, how to start off? Names Saie, 17 and in high school! USA, male! Aside from psionics, things I usually like to do for fun are PS3 (PSN name is enlighten101, in case anyone wants to know so please feel free to add me on there and hit me up if you've got a PS3 and a PSN account!), hanging out with friends, some other video games I play, marital arts, Facebook and computer work! Currently homeschooled and a Junior! Practitioner of telekinesis,  magick, astral projection and pyrokinesis but my best are magick TK and astral! Also I do lots of energy work so working with energy during practice is the norm for me.

Want to get a career in gaming and design and be a video game programmer, or for another plan it is to be involved in politics or news! 

Guess that's it for now, gonna be posting soon when I'm not busy and blogging with my own progress journal and anyone feel free to hit me up if ya need anything or have any questions regarding psionics, TK, pyrokinesis, magick, or anything of that nature.blankstarebiggrin

-- Edited by autokick_master on Thursday 3rd of January 2013 12:39:18 PM

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Posts: 851

Welcome to the forum Saie! biggrin

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~ There is no such thing as good or evil . They are the same thing , just with a minor difference.


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Posts: 33

Thanks! evileye

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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hello boss. nice to meet u. i see ur not really interested in pyro. got i tip when ur in a cold place try to heat urself up anyways good luck in psycho.

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p


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Posts: 33

Thank you Andre; no its *not* my best sport or practice if I could put it that way but I am decently good at it though in some aspects such as heating and fireballs and I have sparked a couple of times at trying to flame but other than that I'm not the best. But thanks, I'll take you up on that for heating as you know for this season and where I live!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 2476

Welcome heheh could use some of your cool weather in Australia we are having a heatwave with Bushfires across the country.

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Posts: 33

Hehehe gee that's really got to suck Shirak!  Sorry about that and try to be safe! So glad to speak to you again Shirak! It's been quite along time, I know you probably don't remember me from YouTube.  Man, you and Darryl Sloan are still at it and out! You're both doing great jobs! Sure,  could try to send a breeze your way but have a feeling that I may make the situation over there worse! "-" 0.o

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