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TOPIC: new here,need directions!


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new here,need directions!

hey guys,im new here and im lost new to all of this thing,when i was young,i was drawn to i would just burn papers to watch them get burned or light was just fascinating,still 18 now and still i havent lost my interest.then i figured out about all of this.i had to try pyrokinesis,i did soo many research you guys have no idea.but there are not enough information online unfortunately.but i found Shirak's video about flame shielding and fire pulsing. that was yesterday,i tried for 20 minutes maybe and i only did it once.that was my first and last time,i dont know how i did it,i concentrated good at that time though.and he said about yin and yang energies,i just imegined my right hand(reciever) cold and my left hand(pusher) warm.thats the only way i know,not sure if its im asking to you guys,if anybody could help me out and show some directions,i would really really appriciate it because i dont know where to start.i know i need to meditate to clean my chakras but what type of meditation?for how long? and i dont have to start with pyrokinesis,i can try other stuff if they make it easier.also my natural element would be water i think because my sign is should i start with water?im willing to work but i just cant find the TRUE information.and i dont know how to control the energy in my body if you guys are Willing to Help me that would be really really great.its my 2nd day of this and im lost. thanks in advance!:)

Psychokinetic Researcher

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Posts: 129

Search "pyrokinesis" in the search bar if you want.

You can do anything you're honest about.

My only advice is don't get distracted.

I can refine myself.


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Posts: 6

i already did that,only 1 post comes up :/ thanks for the advice,im honest about this but the thing is im really really lost.i really dont know where to start...thanks for the reply though!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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The way I maintain my connection to the flame is to have a candle in the bathroom that way each day I get my pyro training in. Your entrainment/connection to the flame will come easier with practice. it is that connection that resonates with the flame and causes a reaction. It is not muscular it is subtle you will feel it. Pulsing flame is great because eventually you can adapt it to radio signals and blocking mobile signals eventually you can pulse lights.
You already have the desire by putting in the work with a clear mind you will find the rewards which come when you connect to the flame and pulse at will.

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


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thanks alot for your answer,so can you be more clear please? what about the energies,yin yang?meditation,controlling energies?are you telling me that i just need to make a connection with the flame by just keep staring at it and imagining it doing the thing i want it to do? or do you think i should meditate and find out about chakras and try to control the energy in my body? really appreciate the help man,thanks!

Psionics Journalist

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is not that hard actually. just try to feel it around you and inside you. matter is just very compact energy. and anyways even in air there is lots of free-flowing energy. you can see it if you train your eyes. during the day when you are a bit relaxed try to like feel it inside you. just know that it has always been flowing. you just never paid attention to it. you might want to consider psi balls. what you are doing is just shaping energy. thats very,very basic. but you need to be able to do that. after a week or so or after you can easily feel it(hot/cold/magnetic/etc.) strongly than you could try doing the psi wheel. psi wheel is just telekinesis, but you can do something else like piro,hydro,etc. but i still strongly suggest you practice psi balls, they are essential. also not only noobs practice psi balls. if you manage to make it visible your a boss! play around with things. try for yourself whatever interestes you the most. maybe you like thing like telepathy or obe. if you want to try to master those 2, try to be able to master obe up to the point where you can obe while walking down thestreet(start with the basics of obe, thats only for masters!) and for telepathy try to talk to plants and trees(dont bother with animals or insects they are too stupid to understand what you are telling them)

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p


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Posts: 6

great information there andrei,thanks! ok so i should start with psiballs,but how do i do that?like how can i practice doing psiballs?mediation? or i try to feel the energy in my body flowing and try to gather that at my hand?but how can i control it like whats the way to practice this?if you could give me a method to practice that would be really good,thanks for the advice man!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 2041

Hey, welcome!

This is where I would like to mention the good old PsiPog that got archived a while ago. There were some really good tutorials there, under the the articles section.

Have fun practicin'!

The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

Psionics Journalist

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Posts: 390

some stuff on chi:

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p


Status: Offline
Posts: 6

thanks for the welcome sussch and i will download that site,i have heard about that site before,they said it was good but it was im glad i got that haha

and andrei,thanks again man,seems like a great read,i will start practicing..

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