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TOPIC: Good Morning


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Posts: 41
Good Morning

Hi Everyone. I've been interested in this stuff for a while, but have been skeptical. Before I invest too much time into it, could someone tell me whether it's bull**** or not? You can tell the truth to me via private message if you want. I swear I won't tell! ;)

On another note, can any of you do fork-bending? I tried doing it following the steps on , but I was alone, without music, etc. I'd go to a group spoon bending event, but I'd have no idea if any would be in my area. I suppose I can check again. Maybe some people in some of those "new-agey" types of groups would know of people who can do it.

In any case, nice to meet ya'll!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4350

Welcome to the forum. You should investigate & interpret reality for yourself:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psionics Journalist

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Posts: 390

yh welcome to the forum. NO NO NO NONONONO it is NOT bs(bul*****) it is real. it is just as real as illiminati/corrupted government/reptilian aliens. they do not want you to know your true powers. understand that 99.999% of what you are told in school are really bull****** but this is not. however, understand that all your life you have told yourself this isn't true, never used those 'muscles' that let you have powers, therefore it does take a lot of time. imagine we are like babies born in a world were everyone has powers. we are just learning to have powers. exept that in our case we are not babies, and we have filled our minds with rubbish pretty much all our lives. but now its time to wake up! good luck:) i suggest starting with psi balls, then psi wheel. then you can go into something different than TK

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p


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Posts: 41

I'm replying to my own thread to say that this is actually NOT B.S. I'm now able to spin a psi wheel. I can do it at a distance also, but sometimes it gets stuck going counter-clockwise, and I need to concentrate extra hard to get it to go clockwise. I guess the counter-clockwise construct gets "stuck" there? I started practicing using my right hand to move it counter-clockwise, and with my left to make it move clockwise. Now they are each a little better than the other with sending energy to those specific constructs.

Also, it seems like the constructs siphon my energy naturally. As long as I open the channel of energy, the counter-clockwise construct on the psi wheel will take it and use it basically on its own. Pretty cool stuff! Sometimes when I close my eyes, the wheel speeds up (because I'm more non-attached and in the flow I suppose). When I'm struggling to get a construct to work, sometimes if I close my eyes, or relax, it will just start working. Other times when I relax, it will shift back to the "default" more powerful construct.

In any case, relaxation seems to be much better for energy flow, EXCEPT sometimes when I need to concentrate hard to shift directions or do something new. That takes a lot of concentration, which means I'm not going to be relaxed. Often while doing this, my breathing speeds up and muscles tense a bit. I suppose that's why I need to meditate more. Any good readings or tips on where I should go from here?

Thanks everyone!


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 4350

Concentration is the act of resting attention on a particular object, & bringing that attention back once you've noticed it wandering; no tension is necessary:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psionics Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 390

yh O12 is right. just want to mention that when you concentrate you don't think about 'unnecessary' stuff. you are not counsious of it. so when you are concentrating you should know that you have been concentrating.

-- Edited by andreidionisie on Tuesday 23rd of April 2013 08:56:11 PM

Ah forget my signature, I have nothing smart to a few months I will change my opinion probably :~p

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