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TOPIC: Markmauvais, a hoax ?

Psiontist with the lot

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Markmauvais, a hoax ?

Hello, as far some of you are aware, that there is a guy claiming to have very advanced PK skills @YouTube,

He just uploaded a new vide, and i found something intresting!

Take a look at 0:41 at his chest! The small white thing, seems like it's the segment of a thin rope. Because it moves just as the bill!

Please, share your opinions.

Psionics Journalist

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Yea he is a fake. You can see from a video where he has a tarot card on a thread and it is spinning around. He also has a video of levitation showing only his feet and it is pretty obvious he has just picked his self up. I would get the you know what trolled out of me if I did that.

Even though he is an obvious fake perhaps some of his videos can be used for our real training as watching some things can be inspiring and possibly used for entrainment type practice.

P.S. That tarot card is the Deviant Moon by Patrick Valenza. It is a wonderful deck and one of my favorites. A new edition without borders is supposed to come out soon.


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Bliss, awesome, I've never used the Deviant Moon tarot, I was a little creeped out by the pictures. lol The eyes kind of scared me! I've been using the Sun Moon deck lately, but I never seem to find one I like enough that I want to stick with all the time. I like Froud's fairie oracle, but it's not a tarot card deck. I would think it was really cool if he did make a classic type tarot though.

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I use the Fairies Oracle! You can take the time to setup an astral relationship with each of the fairies; for interesting insights & experiences:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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Definitely seems fake. All of his videos only show clips of him doing it for a few seconds. It's also blurry, and you can't see his other hand that seems to be pulling a string.

Bliss, Shy, and Owl - I was thinking of trying tarot cards. Any good sites or things I should look at to start?

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aeclectic tarot is really one of the best sites around to research and learn about decks.

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@Shy I hear ya. Some of the images are a little creepy but in a way that is why I like it so much. Not everyone likes darker style decks though. I have trouble staying with one deck for sure but I don't want to spread myself too thin so I try to stay with just one main deck. I collect many other ones I find pretty.

@Owl I use to know someone that used an oracle deck with fairies in it. I forgot the name so I don't know if it was the same but they really liked it. I wanted to buy a deck like that but I spent too much on the Deck of the Bastard because it was customized and all. I need to save some more. :D

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I've been a fan of Brian Froud, since before any of the oracle decks came out. His artwork always authentically represented my childhood OBEs. I know what you mean about money though; I still want to pick up the Vertigo Tarot deck you reviewed:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

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Owl, I've noticed when I use the Fairies Oracle more that I tend to have more dreams/OBE's featuring them. :) I've also loved Froud since I was a little girl. He's one of my favorite artists.

Bliss, that is a really cool website! I am going to be spending hours looking through the decks. Nice.


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Thanks Bliss!


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mark is definitely not fake. I can account of that.


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That guy above me made an account just to answer this post, and so did I. Did you read the description of that video? It sounds like he knows what he's talking about. Mark Mauvais owns a psychic forum. He's a parapsychologist and is very interested in the paranormal. He's one of the top posters on his forum and has taught many. Some of his videos do look very fake, especially the tarot card levitation. There is just so much evidence that he is real, I have to believe he is a real psychic. The only reason I could think of some of his videos being fake is that he wants to encourage his audience, but he definitely is psychic to some extent. Once he said he woke up with a penny in his hand after an AP session he did with someone, I think that may have been fake and he sent it out to encourage people.

Just a drop from the stream. *Love*

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This post is meant to be general and is not targeted at Markmauvais.

In my opinion it's really difficult to avoid seeming fake.

Say there's a psion who learns to levitate objects by visualizing it hanging on a string and moving it around.Now, what are the chances that other people watching his performance would actually see the imaginary string? Pretty high, I think.

Another psion might be very well attuned to wind. While levitating an object, he might not even visualize any wind .. however, because he becomes one with the wind so easily that his subconscious mind might often geist wind when he practises pk. Anyone watching his videos might think he's a fake because there's obviously a fancy fan just behind the corner.

The list could go on ..

Why even bother trying hard not to seem fake, especially if the seemingly-fake demonstrations filter out the bright ones from the audience?

  1. Also, if person A says that person B is fake, then that doesn't make person A any better - instead, it decreases their motivation to continue practising "the impossible". It's a good excuse and he may feel better but he has missed the point of self-improvement.
  2. The point is to honestly believe that it's not fake and to trick one's own mind into thinking that it's easy and they can do it also.
  3. If person A believes that person B is really doing it and A actually manages to pull it off (too / for the first time), then person A has improved.
  4. Thus, it doesn't even matter if it's fake or not - instead, what's important is how you see it.

I feel as if I couldn't convey it well enough. Anyway, the idea was that instead of trampling others, we should improve ourselves.

The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

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Sussch, you have conveyed it quite insightfully:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psionics Journalist

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I see what you are saying and I agree with some of it.

I have used obvious fake videos and even ones from movies as exercises to aid in visualization for practice sessions. The real problem to the community as a whole from fake videos is not so much the video itself but the person making fake videos and what advice they might give to someone new in the way of bad advice i.e. made up.

There was a guy a while back making videos about TK. He was later found out to be a fake, before that he had millions of views. He even made a video on his "technique" and gave advice to people that were asking for it. A lot of people wasted a fair bit of time trying to get an object to move with this made up advice and eventually gave up. PK is one of those things where people always have a bit of doubt before they have first hand experience, some people struggle to even cultivate an open mind enough to give it an honest try. For a number of those that do and fail they will never try again and more than likely go about believing that it is not real which is sad and I think a missed opportunity.

I have noticed that genuine PK seems to make objects move in a peculiar way and once you have first hand experience it is easy to pick up on. I started learning so much when I got in contact with legitimate people who gave me so much good advice that I would have never learned from just watching video demonstrations alone real or fake. I was lucky enough to eventually come in contact with people who were doing real PK and giving real advice before I was able to learn and differentiate what is good and bad information.

I think if we let obvious fake videos go around masquerading as legit it will lead some new people down the wrong direction ultimately to disappointment. PK is hard enough and takes lots of time and practice, I wouldn't want anyone to waste precious time with "push with your mind as hard as you can until it moves" type advice.

Besides, even if all of his videos are real and say just two were fake, and those two were made for reasons mentioned above such as to get peoples attention or for encouragement... Why would you even do something like that? Shirak, in some of his early videos went way out of his way to set up controlled environments to show what he is doing is real and people still wrote him of and labeled him a fake.

When you do demonstrations of PK, even if they are real, in which the gimmick device to do the same thing is sold in magic shops everywhere online such as a self illuminating light bulb, a floating playing card, and pulling money out of a wallet, you are asking for trouble.

This is suppose to be the age of enlightenment. That can only come from real advice which will never come to the surface if it is cluttered by charlatans.

Not trying to offend anyone just how I see things.

P.S. Sorry for any errors or run on sentences, I am very tired from work.

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He uploaded a video long time ago where he levitated a knife infront of his black shirt ..

Anyways .. i saw something like a thread, you could only see it on few frames, seems like he was using invisible thread like the one magicians use, so i posted a comment .. but now .. the video is gone .. i guess he deleted the video aww

-- Edited by iJodix on Saturday 6th of September 2014 01:29:06 AM

Psionics Journalist

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I really don't understand why people do that. If you go to the trouble to learn and are able to do real demonstrations why tarnish it and supplement what you have not yet learned with thread and magicians wax?

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The only reason i can think of is money ...

Money from Youtube views if he have Youtube partnership, also from his forums traffic, but hey .. who knows .. confuse

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Some people want Fame. I say train hard & forget the nonsense:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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lol Owl, right on!
Me and TH have been accused of faking it, but I don't really care.
I just don't judge others and mind my own PK ;)

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