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TOPIC: for newbies

Dedicated PK researcher

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Posts: 118
for newbies

Hi new tk users,

I have a bit of advice for you if you are setting out to learn this amazing new skill that will impress anyone.

things you want to think about: to become very skilled in your training you need to think logical, it may take a while it may not! you also need to think that over doing it will get you nowhere, you need to gradually build yourself up to do this in my experience I have found by doing the bellow is the most effective so far.

Take 2-4 weeks of doing moves to gather energy with only a few to circulate the energy. the principles are the same, Taoist breathing is very important! knees bent in a qigong style in one move ( ONE MOVE!!! ) if you are standing, if sitting just be comfortable,  breath in slow and deep with Taoist style when you move any body part up, hold your breath for as long as you comfortably can then release whilst you move the body part down. then hold your breath again and move that body part from side to side slowly and you will find by doing this it maximises to tingle and the tingle is the meridians and chakras activating and by them activating you are gathering energy.

this may take a few minutes or even days to properly feel, just think of it as you will feel it but just be calm and patient and do not force it at all because it depends on calm mind and body to do this effectively!!!

I find listening to chakra sounds crystal bowl music helps make it even more powerful but we are all different! then when you are feeling either full or very hyper sit down in one movement not using arms or anything to aid you sitting down, breath out slow and in synch to your sitting down still through the nose with mouth slightly open! ( Taoist breathing ).

If you feel you have lost any sensation in your body such as the hairs no longer stand up or no tingle, have a move with your arms with the qigong synch of Taoist breathing and movement.

Keep doing this until you feel as if you still have a tingle for a good amount of time whilst being still, then when you are finished you need to stand in one move nice, slow and smooth and have a little calm jump around as if you are skipping, do this for say 1-3 minutes depending on how long you have gathered energy, this sinks the chi and as long as you keep Taoist breathing the chi will find its way to you tank the dantient.

this if effective for telekinesis and is universal in regards to any type of energy training, sorry I almost forgot, try making an energy ball, it has a kind of magnetic or elastic feel to it and this will help you feel energy.

Sometimes doing the moves if you look at your arms with the corner of your eye you can see your meridians sparkling and lighting up :) with practice use this as a sort of meditation and gradually move your eye contact closer and closer until you are not looking with the corner of the eye but direct at it.

with tk you can move in any of the bellow ways, just experiment and find your own way and timing is important, don't do it because you feel you have to but when you want is most effective and I suggest to slowly build up your time spend doing tk e.g start off with 30 minutes then weeks by week add 5-10 minutes. also try using tk at every each different hour that you are awake but in different days e.g Monday 8am Tuesday 9am and so on so that you find your strongest time to use it.

techniques: just eyes no with though, with eyes no thought, with hands thought, hands no thought, moving body with though and without, with state and with presence :)

Before you jump the gun just remember the feeling you have with your tingle of your movements and try to get that back also very important that you awake your consciousness, see it as a lazy child not wanting to go out or tidy up, you need to fixate that child into doing it and persuade it if you get me, its the same for your consciousness, gently persuade it to awake and you will feel a tingle at the crown of your head and the tingle will travel all over the body, then you are ready!!

be gentle as gentle is stronger, not at first but its better to build on, like when you work out you don't try lift 100kg at first do you, you need to work on it and gently build it up.

Do not eat before using all of the above and eat with a minimum of 30mins after!!

I hope this helps and take this as just basic info as we are all different and what works for me may not work for you!

do all tk under glass and never start off doing it out of glass as it is a waste of time!!! and is like learning the basics all over again, when using glass its better to have very clearn and clean glass with minimum reflection in and tell yourself the glass is nothing as under glass is only harder because of the mental blocks regarding it!

Dedicated PK researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 118


Status: Offline
Posts: 46

Very good man :D

Dedicated PK researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 118

thank you :) did u like the video :) just remember don't do anything under plastic because it moves anyway, always under glass its no bigy

Dedicated PK researcher

Status: Offline
Posts: 118

for strength building is like to use heavy objects like in this video. 3.1g may not sound like much but for tk this is a break through for me :)

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