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TOPIC: Hi there!

Psionics researcher

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Hi there!

Hi I'm Susan and just coming to the conclusion that I must have PKE. Didn't realize it until our house caught fire this last May. Looking back on my life, I'm 46 now, there have been many occurrences of activity that has happened throughout my life. As I am also part empath and psychic, I've always chalked it up to spirits (ghosts & non-human entities). If anyone can offer some techniques that would help me vent my frustrations, that would be helpful. I mediate on a regular bases and this only increases activity.

In addition to seeing spirits just before I wake, ability to put up energy barriers, knowing when others are thinking of me across the country, tapping into others emotions, thoughts and seeing what they see; I'm a bit lost since many of my "gifts" or "curses" (pick your choice) crosses over each other, it would be nice to get a handle on the PKE part of myself so our house doesn't go up again.

Thanks for any suggestions you may have


International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Wow, we do sound very much alike! lol I love the energy in storms, it seems to clear everything away. I can't wait to read more of your experiences.

-- Edited by shy on Sunday 4th of August 2013 01:39:37 AM


International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Hi smoore, welcome to the forum. You sound a lot like me. I have the same issues. My geisting has cost me a lot of money and friends, and people I love. It makes me feel quite alone sometimes, like I should just be living alone in a cottage way in the woods where I can't bother anyone. Read the journals, they are very helpful. If you read mine it might sound familiar to you. :)

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hi smore. Welcome!

What kind of meditation do you practice?

You got me Shy!!! :D

If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Welcome, I can definitely relate, & I'm especially finding it difficult to be around people without causing discomfort/harm:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve

Psionics researcher

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Posts: 57

Thanks Shy

I will read your journal, browsed around earlier today to see what the site contained. I hear you on the being alone part. I like people but in small doses. At times it feels like I tune into them and can't shut them out. Probably why I married so late it life too. I remember my family, I'm 7 of 8 kids and I never had any peace except when I was alone in the fields. Now, my husband who is a trucker, is gone most of the time. We like our relationship situation. He on the road doing what he does and me alone at home...although we speak a few times a day, its enough. Funny, when he's home for vacation its like there's too much energy in the house and we can't wait until vacation is over. Sounds odd, but it works for us. Told him that I created the fire and he loving said...well don't tell the insurance company, they won't understand. Got to love him for that!

Psionics researcher

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I don't have a name for it. Closest thing I could call it is visualization. Takes me about 10 min to become relaxed, detached yet focused. If I have a question, then I focus on it. If I'm open, spirits at times visit or I pick up images of others when/if I'm near them. I always start with protection and protect white light outward from within.

Soon after the fire, which happened this year on May 11, I learned that the portal in the house was actually attached to me. So I joined a mediation group to follow up on exploring this portal and why it attached itself to me since birth. Once I saw my portal, I became more settled to know its mine. I did go through it once but with others there to anchor me. My best friend has been giving me lessons on anchoring and creating a teacher which I believe will help in the over all state of my world.

I'm very spiritual and scientific but not religious. So rituals don't work well with me. I hope this hope to explain a bit more about my mediation. One thing I have noticed is that my third eye after being exercised is sore and although I drain my energy back, activity kicks up again for a day or two. I don't mediate every day normally a few times a week, because of this.

Sorry if I seem scattered in thought, so much history and I don't want to bore anyone.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey thanks for contributing, There is a lot of good info on geisting in the forum shared from others experiences. The specializations section will have different shared techniques.

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

There is no failure only feedback. Failure is when you stop trying.


International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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smoore, that is the way I feel too. Being around people makes me feel what they feel, even their pain. And being a highly sensitive person, when I do feel pain it is stronger than normal. I think being psychic like we are is a gift as well as a burden. I would love to read more about your geisting experiences.

Psionics researcher

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I will definitely look into the techniques and other experiences. Looks like I've found a place I can share with others in the same boat.

Shy - I started a journal just now. Thought I would start at the beginning and take it up to this point. I love that fact we can have our thoughts here plus it makes me practice writing. I'm questing on a mystery book but my notes are in storage along with the other house items. This will keep the skills hones - if anything for grammar LOL.

Another blessing/curse for me is that nature has made me a counselor to others. People float in and out of my life with issues they have. Once they figure them out, they leave. It was hard at first not understanding why my friends kept going away, but now that I'm older, its my calling. There's only a few people I have in my life that aren't the fluid sort and I'm grateful they still are around. I do love it when my friends and family call to help them with their dreams.


International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Smoore, that's great! I'll check out your journal. :) Be sure to check the Journal Comments thread for anything anyone has to say about what you wrote.

Psionics researcher

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Posts: 57

I will Shy and I peeped into your journal...OMG, not saying that we're twins but boy can I relate to some of the things you've done. I got a jiggle out of you liking to touch electrical fences. I loved to lick the socket and watch the arc come out to me. My mom caught me once, boy did I rue that day. I love the smell of lighting and the electrical storms we have and to be the pyro at the camp site....its MY fire, hands off. LOL

I'll add one item a day until I'm up to date...boy there will be lots of entries.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hey smoore that's cool, I practice anapanasati meditation. Its mindfulness of the breath or an object. During meditation if my mind wonders I bring it back to the breath and focus on it. I use to focus on chakra work but this wasn't as effective as anapanasati. I also meditate every single day multiple times. Lately not as much but today I got a good 3 hours in.

Meditation isn't about opening your self up its about creating focus. IDK meditation has changed my life greatly. I am an aspie so I know about social problems but I'm also empathic even though I don't have good empathy does that make sense. I am 100 percent a scorpio. I see death etc. But I see spritis when I'm in the mood if that makes sense

If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hi, welcome to the forum! :)

The unreal hath no being; there is no non-being of the Real; ~Krishna

A stable-minded person will neither hug nor hate the world, he will take things as they come.

Psionics researcher

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Posts: 57

Grengoshi, I looked up the anapanasati mediation you do, it seems that this style helps to increase control of emotional outbursts. So you mediate a few times a day, do you find that the intensity of energy is lessened? I started to ramp mine up and the opposite happened, cell phones wouldn't work any longer, blew out 3 cable boxes, had birds flying into the house. Also, more spirits were presenting themselves to me. Then when I gave it a break for a week, things started to clam down again. This leaves me to wonder if 1. my mediation style is the opposite I need or 2. any mediation will increase the activity.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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well the meditation that i suggested is based on giving you better concentration and is i believe from what i researched one of the best meditation practices for those with lost control. I do not see changes in my energy but mainly my concentration has slowly gotten better. an example is im on percs right now for the pain im going through and even in my meditation I have been able to control my mind back to my breath each time.

However I have found when I was doing Psychokinesis actively I was using anapanasati with out realizing it. When you focus on an object and you let all other feelings go and focus only on it you become that object due to this.

Id focus on the psi wheel and then id focus on the third eye and bring my thoughts back to the psi wheel. my intentions was made, my attention was strong and I was detached from the situation.

Shirak taught me


but I am not an expert... But maybe you have some blockages in your mind or your holding onto something from your past thats causing you to geist but again I dont know you and I am just a noob at spirtual practices.

If every human became enlightened the human race would truly none exist or we would realize we never did in 


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belated welcome :)

-- Edited by titorite on Tuesday 20th of August 2013 09:17:17 AM

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