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TOPIC: First Telekinetic Experience


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First Telekinetic Experience

Hi there,

im new to this forum, and i could really use some explaining about an experience i had about a half an hour ago.

while i was making dinner for myself i threw out my hand out toward an empty can and it slid slightly backwards and turned around. before then i also moved my elbow over it and it followed my elbow.

im not sure if this helps but heres some background information on me: im male, 19 in a month and i was raised in a spiritual home. i have always had an afinity toward the spiritual world and my mother (a spiritualist) believes i am a Medium as i have a strong connection to spirits but others have told me im an Empath because of my ability to "heal" emotional pain. i have displayed traits and abilities relating to each gift, but i have never displayed telekinetic gifts. as ive gotten older, ive also felt like my gifts have gotten stronger.

a predisposition to the spiritual world runs in my family since my grandfather dabbled with demons in his youth. ive never found out the specifics though as he is always to frightened to discuss them. could this have had an effect on me?

could someone please explain this to me? is it co-incidence? is it the start of telekinetic abilities? and if it is, what do i do next?

im sorry if this post is difficult to follow, my head is a bit of a mess right now. if someone could help me out here, id really appreciate it :)

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hi, welcome to the forum!

You have the answers already. It just takes time for the worldview to catch up with your experiences.

You're free - do what you feel like doing next ;)

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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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It sounds to me like a geist )

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Posts: 14

RNB616 wrote:

a predisposition to the spiritual world runs in my family since my grandfather dabbled with demons in his youth. ive never found out the specifics though as he is always to frightened to discuss them. could this have had an effect on me?

could someone please explain this to me? is it co-incidence? is it the start of telekinetic abilities? and if it is, what do i do next?

im sorry if this post is difficult to follow, my head is a bit of a mess right now. if someone could help me out here, id really appreciate it :)

Well, I guess it's a sign for you to find out your own truth! :D

See, I live in the house of my departed Grandparents. A lot of strange things happens here. Things disappear and then suddenly reappear on places where I had looked several times before. Also cooking pots fall down in the kitchen even though it's impossible.

Anyways...I've found out that my grandmother is still linked with this place. Her soul rests here for any reasons. Because of that I started to get interested for something like that and now I'm here in this forum. XD

What I'm trying to say is that you obviously have some paranormal skills. Find out what they are and what they're good for. Try find out your inner goals (dreams) and start to walk towards them.

I hope this was helpful. :/

Our will is the key to our goals.

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just stand up and keep on walking.

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