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TOPIC: goosebumps or chi energy question


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goosebumps or chi energy question

Hello, I hope this is the right place to post this.  Just yesterday I got home from the gym and learned this ability where i can create a wave of goosebumps from the back of my head and the wave goes all the way down to my feet.  I have been practicing it all day yesterday and today, but can anyone else in here channel that energy to different parts of the body and intensify it?  or control it?  anyone else have this ability and if you train it enough, what can u do with it?

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yes, that is yin chi. You are manipulating your bioelectricity. You can use it for psychokinesis & other mind powers, but the power is limited without yang chi as well:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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how can i start to develop yang chi? for me to create this yin, all i have to do is breath, and think of good music, or a time where i was in amazement or spiritual thoughts like god or the universe or supernatural stuff. these "triggers" are much more easy anytime i read forums of others posting their abilities it seems .. stronger my main goal is to use these powers to heal myself and possibly others, but need much training and guidance.  this feels like some x men **** / lol and i'm an average joe!

-- Edited by kudava on Tuesday 17th of November 2015 02:23:24 AM

-- Edited by kudava on Tuesday 17th of November 2015 02:24:34 AM

-- Edited by kudava on Tuesday 17th of November 2015 03:09:42 AM

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yes, yin chi is pretty easy; you only need to relax & place a small amount of attention on an area of your body. Yang chi is much harder; it requires profound concentration skill, super deep relaxation, & celibacy if you are male. It leads to much greater power & awakening though, & yin grows with it as well. Then You learn to merge yin & yang within your body; that's when the crazy miracles begin.

If you are interested in these things; there is a lot written about on the forum:

I've also written a lot about it in the journal section. I could also give you some very good books, but ultimately, it's best to find a tantric teacher & lineage:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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thanks so much. i just really want to learn more and spend many hours progressing. this energy feels so good in the body I would be willing to devote my life in training thanks again. i wish i could find a teacher, but here in ct usa, doubt it :( and i am enslaved to my job atm working 60-70 hours per week, but I would love to spend more time in meditation


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i need to learn how to tell the difference between yang and yin or even a "trigger" for yang energy.  I'm 29 years old, and never had any abilities and just yesterday out of nowhere i could control yin at will, now just 1 day training i feel i can sometimes produces much stronger waves through my body and if a good song if on its like a lot of energy..the next step is to develop yang energy and combine ying and yang together , or figure out how to store yin energy.. hopefully its done right though.

-- Edited by kudava on Tuesday 17th of November 2015 03:42:34 AM

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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You don't really store yin energy in the beginning, as much a open to it. If you relax & pay attention to the environment & the kinetic energy available, you can entrain your senses to it, the same way you have the electricity in you body. Yang energy, is a much bigger challenge which requires some training generally:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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if the yin feeling would be described as goosebumps, how would you describe the feeling of yang?

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Goose bumps are just a side effect; yin is formless, but it can feel cold, electromagnetic, boundless, etc. Yang side effects, generally feel intensely hot & sexual beyond reason. These are just a superficial descriptions of course; I can't really put it accurately into easy word & concepts. Training & experience are required to really get it:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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i have been training non stop all day every day until now. i read this from a book "The scrotum is the factory that produces the sexual energy, sperm, and male hormones. So there is a tremendous store of "yin" chi (cold life force energy) in this area. All sexual energy, whether male or female, is "yin" in its latent or resting state. " i can close my eyes and visualize sucking in light through my brain (yang) and it like gets sent to my testicles.. some times it feels divine or orgasmic if they link , now i need to learn how to send the (yin) up to my brain, or even just hold the energy as long as i can

-- Edited by kudava on Friday 20th of November 2015 03:30:30 AM


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i tried explaining this feeling to a psychologist (i'm schizophrenic) and their response was that it was a "pilo erection" however since then i've discovered that it might be qi (spelling?)

this sensation feels cold and electric to me.

once i directed the qi to my brain and i heard a massive squelching sound and had a headache for hours. i strongly advise against directing qi to your head unless you know what you're doing.

i can direct it anywhere around my body and i would describe that i can summon the qi with music or when experiencing extraordinary circumstance.

did i just do that?

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I found that pulling too much yin out of the perineum/balls that it can cause pain if there isn't much there to begin with. Be careful with pulling energy in large amounts from one part of the body to another as that will cause a deficit. Moving the energy back and forth is key depending on what you're hoping to achieve. Personally I wish someone had told me this before when I was first starting you should probably start looking into developing your Lower Dan Tien (LDT). While you're developing that you'll be developing other systems that will serve as a solid foundation for your energy progress. Plus you can store a lot of energy in the LDT.

It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.

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