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TOPIC: My public videos


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My public videos

Hello everyone,

For those interested I have made several of my videos public from the LAPDC channel and not from my personal channel.
Unfortunately as I never entered the word Telekinesis in my titles, then by typing that word into the search engines you will not come across them. But typing Qtk LAPDC you with chances. But I give you the direct links here

For now I have 88 videos on the chain of the LAPDC but I have more than 400 on my personal channel and more than 1000 in my home. I realized that I had never posted video in the jar on the LAPDC channel, I posted 2 yesterday and I will post another soon, under jar or other. The comments are activated, so we'll see what it's going to give.

Good viewing!

-- Edited by gtr on Monday 13th of February 2017 04:04:50 PM

-- Edited by gtr on Monday 13th of February 2017 04:06:31 PM

-- Edited by gtr on Wednesday 15th of February 2017 02:56:28 PM

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Thanks for letting us know. Any reason why you don't add telekinesis to the search terms?

It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.



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When I started filming my telekinesis practices it was just to keep remembering and revising 1, 2, 3 years later and compare with my early telekinesis. These videos were just for me and I did not intend to show them to other people. I had a file entitled Telekinesis and so I did not need to put that word in the titles of my videos. Later I decided to post them on my Youtube channel. Then I started to show them on the forums but without making them public but by choosing '' not listed '' in Youtube options.

I am a member of LAPDC for 2 years. I posted several of my videos on LAPDC's Youtube channel (I'll post some more in the next few days) and it's from this channel that I make my videos public. On my personal channel I have videos of me as a musician. My family, friends and abundant know my channel and my videos as a musician but do not know that I have private telekinesis videos on this channel and I do not want them to know that I practiced telekinesis, Keep it secret for those who know me.

Thank you

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yeah, it's definitely important to keep it secret from most people. Thank you for sharing with us.

It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.



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I only discuss it with people who are interested in telekinesis and especially those who have experienced in this field.

Psionics researcher

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gtr hello, i am very interested in your videos. I have watched a few so far and I have some questions on how you see the movement before it happens. How do you initiate movements and is the any particular way you go about visualizing, id like to know your technique. I am only interested in t.k. atm. Some days i feel like i have no control over movements others i have noticeable movement. I would like to know the thoughts you use because maybe i am doing something wrong. I only have two videos but one of them is very noticeable. And I would like to get that strength back because i know i can do it but seems to slip away from me

Everything that can, will and has happened.



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Sorry I speak French and I use an online translator.

Thank you for your interest in my videos. But my answer may disappoint you.

I started practicing telekinesis in February 2014. I practiced discipline and practiced every morning 7 days a week. After 5 months, during a practice, I realized that I was not focused on My psi wheel and she was still spinning. Afterwards I questioned myself to understand why she was turning while I was thinking about something else. At first I did not want to believe it, I was disappointed and I began to wonder if it was really my concentration that made the psi wheel turn or just that it was a natural phenomenon.

Then I continued to experiment in this way without any particular concentration. I sat at my table in front of my psi wheel and I waited patiently thinking about what I was going to do on the weekend, the thing I had to do at home, etc. And I got Good result.

I started talking about it on the forums, at first I was not believed. I continued to post my videos, it gave me more credibility in my remarks. In February 2015 I applied on the LAPDC website.
They accepted me but they did not believe me when I said I did not have to concentrate on getting results. Over time they ended up believing me.

At the end of 2016, the project coordinator found articles on the Internet from 1888-1926 in which studies and experience in telekinesis were found. These articles corroborate what I said for almost 2 years. Telekinesis is a natural phenomenon, a vital force that we all possess but to different degrees. Just like music, sports, some are more talented than others. This vital force manifests itself more or less dependent on the day, the hours, and the like. All telekinesis practitioners will tell you that it does not always work, or that the results are not always consistent from day to day. For 6 months I practiced to develop the same force in my left hand as that of my right hand, it never improved.

Now the question is whether you can really control this vital force. To find out it is necessary to experiment with telekinesis practitioners ideally.

The studies of 1888-1926 have unfortunately been forgotten over time and today telekinesis has become a belief. The belief that it is the power of the mind that acts on matter. I am not saying that this is not the case but this theory has not been officially demonstrated.

You will notice that on forums that talk about telekinesis, not many people post videos and not much persists in the practice of telekinesis. They realize one day that they can not do better. So can you really control the telekinesis at will? I do not know and I'm trying to understand.

Here is the link for the 1888-1926 articles but they are in French, only a few in English.

I hope I helped you?

Thank you!

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I agree gtr. There is an element of control but it does not come from the brain. There is an influence but there is a need to relinquish the need for control. I've noticed that my greatest feats were when I believed I could do it and didn't "try". Just letting it flow is pretty crucial. The ironic thing is that I am in a state these days where I do not have that belief I can do it and making things happen is much more difficult. I'm not trying to make this into a focus on my self esteem. Just wanted to state that my observations match yours quite closely. Very well worded even with using a translator. :)

It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.

Psionics researcher

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Yes the you have helped me as I have noticed the same. My subconscious knows when I am in the mood and yes i get more from just letting it happen. My video of the cigarette rolling was when I felt it had to happen and I pulled out my phone and started recording. I just sat there and it rolled I didn't think of it rolling bit rather of what others would think of me if I kept failing, then it happened. I also noticed that less attention like looking at the object thru my peripheral vision helped significantly. I will look at the documents from 1888-1926 in a few minutes. Thank you!

Everything that can, will and has happened.

Psionics researcher

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I could also program objects to move when I wasn't in my room. They would slide in one direction before I came back and caught it on camera and seen the distance myself.

Everything that can, will and has happened.



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Thank you for sharing your experiences limpidprogress b ecause I like to hear testimony from people who have also observed the same thing as me and have been studied in the past. It is important to talk about it because there is far too much false belief circulating on forums and websites on telekinesis.

I am glad that the translation is not too difficult for you.



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Glad it helped you.

For my part I do not care about the subconscious, I do not know if it has a real effect on telekinesis or simply a belief. I could see your videos?

Thank you

Psionics researcher

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Everything that can, will and has happened.

Psionics researcher

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Everything that can, will and has happened.

Psionics researcher

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When I was doing these videos I was on large amounts of Diphenhydramine a sleep aid ingredient.  I would take a whole box and after a few hours me as well as several other people who were at the same place I lived at the time.  I could see waves like heat waves just pouring up from my hands, at night the doors in my room like the cabinets and bathroom door would slowly open and close.  People who were around me would also notice it.  I was like a generator.  Others seemed to be affected by it.

Everything that can, will and has happened.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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That's bizarre alchemist. Really neat at the same time. I would probably have a difficult time letting go of using the sleep aid agent when having those kinds of results. :P

It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.



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Personally I have never used drugs to help me in telekinesis. Thank you for your videos but you realize that just showing the cigarette can leave people in doubt!

Psionics researcher

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I know but if I could show people my whole life I would but that is something we have to accept and that we cannot take it as it is I wish a lot of things and I am sorry if I am doubtful, but I know I was blasted with something on it

Everything that can, will and has happened.

Psionics researcher

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I sincerely feel different, and special. I have had an crazy ironic life and I don't know what to do but that I know I have done this, and I did have crazy strength at one time.

Everything that can, will and has happened.

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