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TOPIC: About me, hello!


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About me, hello!

Hello there, so I'm from a few other places along the lines of this page, but recently returned to the scene and, I'm hoping to get back to my old self and provide help to anyone that needs it.

My main skills are in the healing as well energy manipulate for constructs.

As well, just wondering, in a few previous groups we had sparing to hone our ability better, just wondering if any such activity is here.

Hope to help soon.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4350

Welcome to the the forum XeiroFlora. Can you explain specifically what you mean by sparing:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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Dueling so to say, much like two boxers or fencers taking turns in besting each other, in the old groups I had, two people would take turns in sending low level attacks, nothing harmful, but the goal was to make the other give in and admit defeat.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yes, I'm a martial artist; I know what physical sparring is. I just wanted you to clarify what you meant in a psi context. No, we don't do anything like that beyond psi_wheel tug of war maybe. We've tended toward cooperative things like redirecting & dissipating hurricanes. If someone on the forum wants to practice that with you; of course it's up to them, but some of us are stronger than others. Psychic war games can have lasting effects beyond one's intentions. This is my own opinion based on my own experiences though:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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I ment nothing ill just wanted to be sure no one thought I mean anything sevear, as for long effects, none I can say show for myself personally, we would stop at any time should one be hurt or feeling, strange...I'm sure after a while of no activity I'll be weaker than I use to be but I promise I can take it.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Yes Sparring can be very dangerous since we are all like children and don't know our own strength or the strength of others and could easily damage someone unintentionally. Personally I'd rather not unless we had someone more advanced that was willing to be referee and could step in and divert problems that arise in a more controlled, direct, and safe way. Though that's not to say that learning to duel/spar is not a useful skill. It's something I'd like to learn but finding that environment I detailed is very difficult to do since we've all got our own issues and getting messed up in a way that sets us back is not something most would be willing to do here.

If you haven't started working on building a working LDT (lower dantien) that should be your first steps before venturing into much else.

It's all fun and games until you lose an eye; then it's all fun and games in the dark.


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Forgive me but I had no idea of such effect, My main group personally would always part take in such activity in friendly sport and never have we had a horrible effect...what could one expect, in bad effect, for future reference (Thinking about it, maybe something did happen...but I'm not sure yet...also, I've been meditating and flaring aura/energy to get flexing and active again, any ways to get back into shape with EM I'd appreciate, if I'm being annoying I'm sorry I don't try to be.)

-- Edited by XeiroFlora on Saturday 24th of March 2018 01:46:05 AM

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4350

You're not being annoying at all. My experience has been that, if the practitioners have cultivated a lot of ecstatic energy(yang chi, sexual energy); are already kundalini active, or even have very stable concentration skill, strong psychic connections can form. Some psychs call these energetic cords. Sometimes they can be hard to break, & you can end up send unintentional thoughtforms. In my own case, I've accidentally activated kundalini in people who weren't ready, & it cause some of those people painful problems.

In my Buddhist lineage, there are psychic connection practices that happen on retreats, but there always powerful people there who have the job of protecting the space. It's safer in my opinion, to do cooperative projects, like meeting out of body, joint PK goals, etc., especially before you get to know everyone. Again though, it's just my opinion; adults may make up their own minds:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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