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TOPIC: Hello my fellow mammals


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Hello my fellow mammals

I have been interested with magic powers for some time since I was young, been trying to harness them for a while. Though I don't think I have ever successfully done anything in my attempts. Telepathy, teleportation and materialisation are my main things I attempt and would like to become reality. I am kind of edge if this is all real or some trick, part of me goes both ways. But I would love magic powers to become the norm for everyone.

I just wanted to add for the sake of openness, that I have a fetish for this kind of stuff though for females only, but its not the primary reason why I am here.


Psychokinetic researcher

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Hi! Have fun training!

Teepathy is easy. Unless you want to be able to like incept illusions into peoples minds which is like anime level. Teleportation and materialisation I understand are one and the same, a matter of astral travel. The astral body has to be strengthened and then it can be fragmented. Prana can travel in the astral/ether. That's how egregores can jump around everywhere...That could work as teleporation.

By the way, no such think as magic. Everything is hardcore science and gym. Magick refers to western occult practices...they tend to dwell on light practices in my opinion.

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Sir Aqua wrote:

Hi! Have fun training!

Teepathy is easy. Unless you want to be able to like incept illusions into peoples minds which is like anime level. Teleportation and materialisation I understand are one and the same, a matter of astral travel. The astral body has to be strengthened and then it can be fragmented. Prana can travel in the astral/ether. That's how egregores can jump around everywhere...That could work as teleporation.

By the way, no such think as magic. Everything is hardcore science and gym. Magick refers to western occult practices...they tend to dwell on light practices in my opinion.

Are you saying putting illusions in people's minds isn't possible? Or just very hard? Because if the things I've heard people here say is possible are in fact possible, that seems like it would be something relatively simple. (Relatively.)

Also, I'm pretty sure what you're saying about magic is only a difference in semantics. These types of abilities would absolutely be considered magic by an average layman's definition.

-- Edited by flarn2006 on Wednesday 30th of May 2018 11:05:20 PM

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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flan, aqua is saying that while we observe the effects of telekinesis, etc... as "magic", really it's because we lack a deeper understanding of the physical realities that these phenomena are based on - like cave men trying to figure out how a cell phone works lol.

Magick is a very specific type of esoteric practice.

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Psiontist with the lot

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@pewep: I know. What I was saying is that it's really only a difference of semantics, and that what he's referring to as "magic" isn't necessarily the same as the "Magick" you and Sir Aqua are referring to. Like you said, that's just what people think of it as. Words can have multiple meanings. That's not really what this thread is about though :p

-- Edited by flarn2006 on Thursday 31st of May 2018 01:56:44 AM

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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I can say from experience, that incepting ideas & experiences into the minds of others is very possible; it just requires concentration skill. At the alpha brainwave level; the target person will think it's there own idea. At the theta brainwave level; the target person will physically experience what you are sending them in the present tense, as a hallucination relative to the detail you are sending. If a psion with these skills adds hypnosis & psychology skills to the mix; we are definitely talking comic book powers. Ecstatic energy is required, but does make it much more powerful:)

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International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Hello, and welcome :)

Nice avatar!Lain has been a great inspiration for several members here.

Have you by chance experienced anything weird that might've triggered your interest in this field?

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Posts: 4

Sir Aqua wrote:

Hi! Have fun training!

Teepathy is easy. Unless you want to be able to like incept illusions into peoples minds which is like anime level. Teleportation and materialisation I understand are one and the same, a matter of astral travel. The astral body has to be strengthened and then it can be fragmented. Prana can travel in the astral/ether. That's how egregores can jump around everywhere...That could work as teleporation.

By the way, no such think as magic. Everything is hardcore science and gym. Magick refers to western occult practices...they tend to dwell on light practices in my opinion.

 Thanks. Really nice reply, I have been looking into this.


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Sussch wrote:

Hello, and welcome :)

Nice avatar!Lain has been a great inspiration for several members here.

Have you by chance experienced anything weird that might've triggered your interest in this field?

Thank you.

That is strange because I picked it because I liked the expression she gives and shes really cute, I have never watched the anime myself. This is the only forum I have used this avatar as well.

No, I haven't ever experienced anything I felt out of place in reality, I am fascinated by this kind of stuff ever since I was a kid.


-- Edited by Warrone on Friday 1st of June 2018 02:03:20 AM

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Serial Experiments Lain, is definitely one of my favorite anime series:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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