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TOPIC: Psychic Electrocution?


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Psychic Electrocution?

I recently read a book by Osho titled In Search of the Miraculous. In a chapter about shaktipat, Osho mentions other false methods by which gurus create an electric shock in the body. Here is the passage:  
You take energy from the food you eat and this energy charges the batteries in your body. Therefore, many times you feel the necessity to recharge the batteries. A man is tired and spent by the evening. A good nights rest recharges him. However, he does not know what it is that recharges him in sleep. During sleep some influences are at work upon him. Much psychic research has been done andwe know what kind of forces work on him in sleep. If a man wishes he can take advantage of these influences in the waking state. Then he is capable of giving you energy shocks that are not even magnetic but which are of the body electricity. You can mistake this for shaktipat.
There are many other ways of pseudo shaktipat that are equally false. They are in no way connected with the actual transmission of divine energy. If a person has no knowledge of body magnetism, of body electricity, but he knows the secret of breaking the electric circuit of your body, he can give you energy shocks then too. There are many ways of breaking your bodys electrical circuit, and when this is disturbed you receive a shock. Nothing comes from the other person toward you but you feel the shock. It is the shock of your own body electricity which has been disturbed

. Can anyone explain more about this?


International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4350

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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Posts: 5

I will what the video, but can you summarize what it says? Is it generic or does it answer the question of false shaktipat

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