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TOPIC: Chakra Basics 🧬🌞 Postural Engagement points/UV ports


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Chakra Basics 🧬🌞 Postural Engagement points/UV ports

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The Chakras or as I call them Postural Engagement Points the UV ports of the Body.

Our Body manifests and expresses according to the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Posture is a key element in maximizing the expression of our DNA, completing the development of our body and providing or harnessing sufficient Energy. Paving the way for optimal health, and higher functions such as Astral Projection, Psychic abilities and so on. This is touched on and depicted by many cultures and spiritualist around the world throughout history. However its never explained in a way that makes sense and can be backed by science, so it is easily discarded and those who believe in it just seem crazy. Yet, its basic fundamental truth and has its place, it can be explained. 

There are several ways this is taught and perceived, but just as anything else everything breaks down to basics which are consistent across the board. 

There are several Postural Engagement points throughout the body, which allow cells to remain upright and activated. Thus allowing these cells to function at their optimal capacity, and complete development. The mitochondria of these cells which are remaining upright and engaged, steadily produce ATP/Chi. These cells steadily metabolize to produce this energy, supporting the posture and allowing them to harness and store light dependent on the capacity of the energy produced. The Nuclei, which hold our DNA and emit our electromagnetic field, of these cells which are remaining upright and engaged keep at a constant spin, even more so with the energy provided by the mitochondria. Thus emitting a greater electromagnetic field, linking you with all that is, and expressing more DNA. 

Lets take a look at common chakra practices, so I may expand on whats actually going on. 

The practitioner is prompted to enter a meditative state, which is a state of conscious Anabolism, so that the mitochondria may process and absorb light/energy and information. The practitioner then visualizes light in a target location, communicating with said mitochondria. Thoughts/Visualization are a form of less dense light, which these mitochondria then process and absorb. This is empowering the chakras by flooding in photons and allowing them to produce more ATP/Light. Focusing on these different parts of the body and keeping that posture produces electrons which allow the mitochondria of These cells to open up and flood in these photons. As these locations are empowered with vibrant light the nuclei of these cells begin to spin more rapidly, expressing more DNA and emitting a greater electromagnetic field. Take notice of the fact that I said spinning, and remember a common method of these practices is spinning chakras... spinning the nuclei of these cells.. 

Basically youre increasing the metabolic rate of these postural engagement points, which include the glands. Producing and harnessing more energy within them, as well as expressing more DNA for more complete development and activating/increasing your electromagnetic field. 

If you notice the picture shows the chakras along with the electromagnetic light spectrum. Red to Violet, Root to crown. This body manifests and expresses according to the electromagnetic spectrum. These different regions of the body store and respond to different spectrums of light and frequencies (hence the use of binaural beats and tones). 

Lets say your chest posture is inadequate, all the cells of this region are not producing an optimal amount of ATP, and the DNA isnt expressed fully, so the health and development suffers. This applies to each postural engagement point, its something you can pay attention to with your own body and its development. 




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I feel like I shouldve made it sound simpler. Im very long winded and explain things too much. 



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Psychic abilities and all these other higher functions are completely natural and come with completing the development of the body and unlocking more dna, as well as mastering the body and voluntary control over it. 



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personally i think chakras and meridians shouldn't be perceived separately. personally my best experience with chakras is when i start to feel special spots of energy acting weird along a meridian.

the bright darkness


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Meridians are lines, energy pathways. Where they intersect causes nucleic spin so yeah can be just the same as chakras. The chakras I was referring to are the main 7 though. Chakras are really just groups of nuclei 



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Try focusing on the heart or some other gland and intend/command the nuclei to spin rapidly clockwise at the speed of light, while also breathing through that same location, feeling the breath there. See what that does for you 



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Posts: 35

The main 7 as they are taught traditionally are electromagnetic radiation thoughtforms which overlay the cells causing nucleic spin and mitochondrial activity. 

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