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TOPIC: Examining Macro-Pk - Factors that Improve or Hinder Psychokinetic Development (subject; Temporal)


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Examining Macro-Pk - Factors that Improve or Hinder Psychokinetic Development (subject; Temporal)

Date: 4/24/2021

My interests in psychokinesis development mostly stems from trying to discern what sorts of conditions are favorable and which ones are not. As a psionic researcher, I aim to or rather I should say I hope to encourage a mindset of compiling as much relevant information that we can so that the truth or what is likely to be the case can be gleamed. Course, since there are supposedly a plethora of factors that can improve or hinder psychokinetic development, let us try to tackle them one at a time. For starters, let's begin with temporal tendencies.

During my research into seeing what sorts of conditions encouraged the development of macro psychokinesis I first had to gather data. Since specific information pertaining to such phenomenon happen to be very scarce, I had to make do with what little information I could collect. For the remainder of this post I will be referring to the following websites:

Altogether I was able to find 10 cases of pyrokinesis and 9 cases of human teleportation. Of these 18 cases, which is clearly not enough to draw any meaningful overall conclusion from, I found that as is typically described according to the Western viewpoint, the Water element does seem to favor the development of macro-psychokinesis although I really shouldn't say that since my research only covered 2 areas, that of human teleportation and pyrokinesis.   The other element that was quite favorable was Fire and this was especially so when it came to pyrokinesis. By the way, when I speak of the elements just like Western alchemy, Chinese alchemy is separated into elements as well, though I'm certain you already knew that. Anyways, when it came to pyrokinesis, a majority of the cases I found took place during a Fire year, specifically a Fire Tiger year with the Fire Rabbit being a close second. 

Now, while having a total of 19 cases surely isn't enough to conclude anything by, it is enough to draw an observation. Perhaps certain years are more favorable than others when it comes to honing one's psychokinetic skills and even then it might depend on the type one is practicing. Still, correlation does not equal causation and just because it may very well be that pyrokinesis seems to occur more often during Fire years especially that of Rabbits and Tigers does not mean the year in of itself is the cause of this supposed increase in occurrences.

So with all this said, what sorts of macro-pk do you practice or have experienced and can you note the date on which you were successful?

International Psionics Researcher & Theorist

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Almost everyone here has had macro pk events frequently. some of it is documented on video. check the journals :).

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Perhaps I should write a data gathering and compiling spider. It'd sure make the process of perusing the Journal's section here for mentions of successful macro-pk events along with a date more seamless and then from there have another program analyze and categorize each trend.

One program will be used for gathering and then compiling the data while the other analyzes the statistical trends. 

Course, if I was actually good at programming and I had the time, that's what I would do. I wonder if anyone here can write a program for that purpose.

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