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TOPIC: What single thing has helped you the most?

Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 80
What single thing has helped you the most?

I wonder what is the piece of information, training, practise or similar that has helped you the most.

I really don't know what to say. After reading too much I'm not sure about the most important piece of information. I would say psiwheel training, it's the only thing that keeps me pushing for the truth and I developed with some reliability. That made me discover a whole universe of possibilities.

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Posts: 4350

As knowledge is cumulative; I can't say that there is a single lesson that has helped me the most. I can say though that an activity that has been fundamental to all of my progress in developing psi skills & all of my mundane skills, is concentrated attention:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve


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manifest. the right people, beliefs, ideas, events. to be spiritual is to be open. karma is strenght too. where there is will there is a way :)

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

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Consistency of training has helped the most, pulse training is the most rewarding for me.

Omega(the end) + X(the unknown) = Ending Ignorance of the unknown. Truth...knowledge...enlightenment

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Psionics Research Fellow

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Posts: 80

Pulse training?

International Psionics Researcher/Author/Journalist

Status: Offline
Posts: 4350

Connecting with a target that has a frequency like flames; radio, electricity, wind, etc., & sort of stuttering, or temporarily altering that frequency.

I practice it with water from my faucet & smoke stacks a lot. I basically interrupt the flow & release the build up in big bursts. you have to be careful about straining your water pipes though. I started with flame pulsing & moved on to other targets. If you checkout Shirak's channel, there are some good examples to get you started:)

"Worry about self delusion, after you have succeeded." -Owltwelve
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