Popular Destinations

Lake Suwa

The largest lake in Nagano

Lake Suwa sits at an altitude of 759 meters above sea level and boasts a circumference of 16 km. It is the largest lake in Nagano and is situated in the middle of the Suwa Basin. Visitors can enjoy jogging, cruising on a ship, paddling a boat, fishing, and other activities all around the lake. Stories of historical romances abound in the area, such as the burial of Shingen Takeda at the bottom of the lake and the tragic love story centered around Katsuyori Takeda and Princess Yaegaki. Mt. Fuji is visible in the gap between the mountains to the southeast, and the view is even included on the list of 100 Best Views of Mt. Fuji in Kanto. Visitors can also observe rare natural phenomena such as a horizontal rainbow in spring and autumn, along with Omiwatari in winter.


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